WASHINGTON (AP) — New parents, get ready to feed your babies peanut-containing foods — starting young lowers their chances of becoming allergic.
Source: New advice: Peanuts in baby’s diet can prevent scary allergy
Oh my! A gift of possessed “snacks” at a pediatricians office. Could there be any better “planned obsolescence”. What a better way to start one off on the road to sickness and increased profitability by the medical community.
But this actually started me thinking about antibodies in mother’s milk. Our immune systems and antibody systems are highly regulated. Antibodies are controlled by feedback systems that work on antibodies produced. It’s likely that mothers who eat peanuts can transfer some peanut allergy _protection_ to their infants through their breast milk. The best thing you can do for your child is to breastfeed.
Best to all
Follow up post http://www.puravidaaquatic.com/wordpress/allergy-and-the-gastrointestinal-system/
And check out a recent vaccination post http://www.puravidaaquatic.com/wordpress/3195-2/
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