Walter Scott shooting

Permaculture is about living with the world and not against it and treating others as you would like those upstream from you to treat you. There is nothing sustainable in the behavior that leads to Walter Scott’s death.

Maybe there is some climate change going on. I think this bothered me more than the Sandra Bland killing. And the big difference is it was videoed without the police officer’s knowledge. I watched carefully what the cop did afterwards. It was not in a panic. It was not oh my gosh what did I just do. It was –I’ve done this before, this is just another day at the office. I’ll go back to where I was, pick up my Taser, walk over to the body, and toss it next to it.

He testified that Scott had taken his taser and was moving at him with it.

I was appalled. There isn’t anything even remotely sustainable about this behavior.

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