EPA OKs ‘Emergency’ to Dump Bee-Killing Pesticide on 16 Million Acres

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reported this week that in 2018 it issued so-called “emergency” approvals to spray sulfoxaflor—an insecticide the agency considers “very highly toxic” to bees—on more than 16 million acres of crops known to attract bees.

Source: Trump EPA OKs ‘Emergency’ to Dump Bee-Killing Pesticide on 16 Million Acres

Realize that …

Of the 18 states where the approvals were granted for sorghum and cotton crops, 12 have been given the approvals for at least four consecutive years for the same “emergency.”

A four-year emergency! Shaking my head but that means that most if not all the “emergency” approvals were started during the Obama Administration.
And here is some great info from snopes about the lawsuits filed against the EPA for poor regulation policy and backdoor approval mechanisms for overly toxic pesticides snopes bee info.

Just like the children in cages at the border do not blame one or the other political side….
_blame both!_ The money the chemical companies pour into paying off politicians and scientists is amazing. This is the same problem with the “Organic” label. If the farmer has applied for a waiver they can spray non_organic pesticides all over the crop …. and _still call_ it Organic.

PS has this is getting a little long but from Wikipedia the IUPAC name for sulfoxaflor is


You’re worried about fluoride in your drinking water?? laughing.
The cyanide couldn’t possibly hurt anyone! laughing.
And it was designed as an insect neurotoxin which …. Couldn’t possibly hurt a human.laughing.

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