Do _not_ "LIKE" this!

That was the opening line for my original San Diego Permaculture – Facebook post. It then continued with the following quote.

For us, post-fire logging is the last and worst thing you should ever do in a forest,

said Chad Hanson, a forest ecologist and founder of the John Muir Project, an environmentalist group.

The scientific community is so strongly against this.

Intense fires create snag forests that are three times as rare as living, old-growth forests,

he said.

Wood-boring beetles lay eggs in the dead trees, spawning larvae that become food for the woodpeckers. Flowering plants and shrubs sprouting on the forest floor attract small, flying insects for bats and other animals that the spotted owl swoops in to eat,

Read the whole story here:

And instead of a virtually trivial but feel good action such as “liking” this …. How about send a request that the loggers stay out of public owned natural habitats here:

You could copy and paste some of the following… I support Chad Hanson when he says: “post-fire logging is the last and worst thing you should ever do in a forest,” Please do not allow logging in the burned areas of Stanislaus National Forest, and Yosemite National Park’s backcountry, or any burned over forest habitat. Thank you …

IMO Permaculture is also about protecting areas of our environment other than our immediate yards.

Isn’t that what permanent sustainability means!


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