What can anyone do about the pesticide use in our national parks.

Unfortunately many of us really _believe_ that we can’t do anything against the power of the federal government and; in this case, the national park service (nps) But fortunately you can!  It really does not take much effort. Just three things. And these things also benefit you!  A win-win.

First) Instead of throwing money away by handing it to an environmental group that says it is, but really isn’t. Consider giving it to the groups that _are_ questioning the policy of the nps. The John Muir Society is fighting the nps for our Sequoias. The Center For Biological Diversity has sued the government several times for FOIA information … _and posts it online_ 😃 .  This is actually where I got what little pesticide use data I’ve managed to get. They Rock! 

This posting of Environmental FOIA data online is _huge_ and a real start into true sustainability.  _Anyone_ can go to the Center For Biological Diversity’s website and ask their own questions. Notice I capitalized the Centers name. And yes, the groups above also do great work on climate change — maybe even better then those other groups! Actual data and real information may be vastly more important than fuzzy toys in that (or _any_) environmental fight as well.

Second) The next time you get an email advertisement for a cheap fuzzy animal toy, backpack, or sweatshirt from an environmental group (even one that will accept a car donation) google them. Google your favorite environmental group then search their site for “pesticide”. If they are not publishing actual pesticide _use_ statistics and data from our national parks and wilderness areas simply reconsider where you send your money.  That really will be a huge start to changing the current state of affairs!  We stop enabling the enablers, and we get more value for our money!  Win-win-win.
Third) While you are on your favorite environmental group’s website grab the membership phone number and…. Make a 30sec call. Ask your favorite environmental group for the link where they publish their past FOIA request _data_.  Not the self-serving _advertising_ that they file FOIA requests, but where they provide the actual _data_ they have gotten from the feds!  If they are not putting it online and are instead hoarding it for themselves, then they are absolutely part of the problem, not part of a solution. They are not truly sustainable whatever they advertise. Here is a suggested email.
Environmental Formletter

Can you imagine the reaction if only 10 people called or emailed in a month?  Can you imagine if only three of these people called or emailed repeatedly?

Can you imagine if all the past FOIA data about _our_ environment was freely available online!

Just those three things above.
1) think about who you send your money to.
2) & 3) Send an email like the environmental formletter suggested. Two at the same time what could be easier 😀

I believe that the _massive_ pesticide use in this country is virtually as important as climate change to the health and well-being of us all; particularly our _endangered species_, and our children!  The beautiful and famous Los Angeles mountain lion P22 was crippled by pesticides.  We are putting five times the volume of the entire Gulf of Mexico oil spill in just the active pesticide ingredients on this country _every single year_.
It takes just three easy steps and doesn’t cost you a dime more. The first really takes no time at all; just caring enough to think for a minute. The second and third takes maybe a minute or two. _You_ can encourage “them” to start walking the walk of Environmental Groups again. This really has the potential to allow 20 people to do more good than their entire year of recycling.  Maybe even more than last year’s entire contribution to a big Environmental group that hasn’t been paying attention for 50 years 😊. Be well my friends! 

It takes just three easy steps and doesn’t cost you a dime more.

Best to you all.



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