Posted on December 4, 2024 <> by Bob ll <>
<> I decided to start out this particular OTNP post with a small public service announcement. This has fortunately not happened to me but I think everybody here would gain a lot from knowing about what can happen if _you_ dial the wrong phone number scam.
You only have to listen to the first couple of minutes to get the point, but the whole thing is very interesting.
I have been posting on X a lot as @VidaAquatic and so many people say that the climate is terrible the world’s ending there’s nothing to do. I wish to encourage all of those people to work towards accomplishing a goal. A goal to hold our pseudo-environmental groups accountable
Even if one believes that there really is nothing to be done, please support anything trying to accomplish something. One would have _nothing_ to lose.
Why in the world wouldn’t anybody want to acquire the information from our national parks of the pesticide use there. There is _no_ downside to data unless your goal is to actually hide, lie, and manipulate for your own end. Petition simply asking for our environmental organizations to provide basic information on what the parks are spraying.
Remember when computer programs were sooooo buggy? So people started joking that all the weird behavior was not a bug but was actually a “feature”? Today: pesticides are not dangerous toxins in our food at all😲 They are not poisoning our native animals😲 …. They are just added nutrients for everyone to enjoy!
America’s CDC to this day claims that mosquitoes are the cause of the microencephaly brain damage in Brazil a while back. <>
But the 3711 pregnant women in Columbia _with Zika!_ with _no_ microencephaly cases completely eliminates the possibility that the Brazilian brain damaged children could be from zika. Colombia: 3,177 pregnant women with Zika; no microcephaly <>
I commented to my hiking friend at the time several years ago: what do they do if they have a mosquito infestation? They spray more insecticides everywhere –“it is probably the pesticides.”
The next morning I read that I was wrong, _as usual_😀.
Actually they weren’t spraying insecticides all over the place, this particular State in Brazil had been adding a Monsanto linked pesticide _to_ their freaking drinking water!
Source: Report says Monsanto-linked pesticide is to blame for microcephaly outbreak – not Zika <>
<×576-1.png> Here is a graphic that was in a document produced by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (the analog of our CDC) please look at it! The red dots are micro encephaly (brain damage). Large is _Thousands_, medium is hundreds, and small is tens of cases.
The entire country and all the pregnant women are exposed to zika and mosquitoes (orange) everyday and the only place there is micro encephaly is where they were _adding a chemical mosquito toxin to the freakin drinking water_.
A while back the article/study referring to the Monsanto linked insecticide pyroproxifen came out. To be fair, the company that makes pyroproxifen is only associated with Monsanto. Pyroproxifen is reportedly not produced by Monsanto itself.
Some Neuroscientists admit to how much we don’t know about human brain development. And what kinds of chemicals other than prescribed drugs might affect it. But there are also breakdown products of pesticides. Virtually none of the pesticides produced today are adequately studied with respect to how they break down in the environment.
As I started thinking about possible breakdown products, it suddenly dawned on me that the insecticide in Brazil was likely added to chlorinated water. That started me thinking about chlorination byproducts of insecticides.
It could be that the chlorinated byproducts of pyroproxifen are more toxic to humans then the original pyroproxifen. I will bet that none of the 20,000 plus pesticides approved in the US have been studied in _chlorinated_ tap water systems. Sigh! Scientific research labs generally use pure water in studies to avoid adding contamination unknowns, but that research water is not chlorinated. So no one may ever have studied the pesticides with chlorinated tap water. And now I’m starting to wonder about UV filters on certain aquatic systems.
This entire story really, really, bothers me because I feel, that with all the ADHD, autism and neurological diseases we have today, that we have poisoned an entire generation of kids. And the pain and suffering that our unthinking behavior generates is REAL … Children of thalidomide, but hidden.
Again: none of the pesticides produced today are adequately studied with respect to how they break down in the environment. And brain damage would certainly affect our native animals.
I regularly tell people that birds have a better memory than we give them credit for and that they can remember the good hotel rooms and the bad ones.
Let’s give our birds some #ChemFreeZones in our toxic national parks #_OTNP for their migrations. Let’s give all our wild animals _and even ourselves_ safe zones #ChemFreeZones to live.
I am afraid that these examples will become even more common as our use of insecticides and herbicides — and the GMOs that drive higher and higher use of these toxins, explodes.
We spray five times what we sprayed 20 years ago. There are hundreds of new chemicals and new products patented every year. We cannot continue to try and ban individual chemicals. We must create safe zones.
And the sergeant in Hill Street Blues used to tell everybody at the end of his meeting to “be safe out there”.
The best to you all! For past OTNP (#_OTNP on X) issues. you may want to start here. you have received this as a forward and would like to continue receiving it please email me “” <> And if you would like to donate as little as $5 to the cause, you can Zelle it to thank you very much. Bob 310-429-8477
<> I decided to start out this particular OTNP post with a small public service announcement. This has fortunately not happened to me but I think everybody here would gain a lot from knowing about what can happen if _you_ dial the wrong phone number scam.
You only have to listen to the first couple of minutes to get the point, but the whole thing is very interesting.
I have been posting on X a lot as @VidaAquatic and so many people say that the climate is terrible the world’s ending there’s nothing to do. I wish to encourage all of those people to work towards accomplishing a goal. A goal to hold our pseudo-environmental groups accountable
Even if one believes that there really is nothing to be done, please support anything trying to accomplish something. One would have _nothing_ to lose.
Why in the world wouldn’t anybody want to acquire the information from our national parks of the pesticide use there. There is _no_ downside to data unless your goal is to actually hide, lie, and manipulate for your own end. Petition simply asking for our environmental organizations to provide basic information on what the parks are spraying.
Remember when computer programs were sooooo buggy? So people started joking that all the weird behavior was not a bug but was actually a “feature”? Today: pesticides are not dangerous toxins in our food at all😲 They are not poisoning our native animals😲 …. They are just added nutrients for everyone to enjoy!
America’s CDC to this day claims that mosquitoes are the cause of the microencephaly brain damage in Brazil a while back. <>
But the 3711 pregnant women in Columbia _with Zika!_ with _no_ microencephaly cases completely eliminates the possibility that the Brazilian brain damaged children could be from zika. Colombia: 3,177 pregnant women with Zika; no microcephaly <>
I commented to my hiking friend at the time several years ago: what do they do if they have a mosquito infestation? They spray more insecticides everywhere –“it is probably the pesticides.”
The next morning I read that I was wrong, _as usual_😀.
Actually they weren’t spraying insecticides all over the place, this particular State in Brazil had been adding a Monsanto linked pesticide _to_ their freaking drinking water!
Source: Report says Monsanto-linked pesticide is to blame for microcephaly outbreak – not Zika <>
<×576-1.png> Here is a graphic that was in a document produced by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (the analog of our CDC) please look at it! The red dots are micro encephaly (brain damage). Large is _Thousands_, medium is hundreds, and small is tens of cases.
The entire country and all the pregnant women are exposed to zika and mosquitoes (orange) everyday and the only place there is micro encephaly is where they were _adding a chemical mosquito toxin to the freakin drinking water_.
A while back the article/study referring to the Monsanto linked insecticide pyroproxifen came out. To be fair, the company that makes pyroproxifen is only associated with Monsanto. Pyroproxifen is reportedly not produced by Monsanto itself.
Some Neuroscientists admit to how much we don’t know about human brain development. And what kinds of chemicals other than prescribed drugs might affect it. But there are also breakdown products of pesticides. Virtually none of the pesticides produced today are adequately studied with respect to how they break down in the environment.
As I started thinking about possible breakdown products, it suddenly dawned on me that the insecticide in Brazil was likely added to chlorinated water. That started me thinking about chlorination byproducts of insecticides.
It could be that the chlorinated byproducts of pyroproxifen are more toxic to humans then the original pyroproxifen. I will bet that none of the 20,000 plus pesticides approved in the US have been studied in _chlorinated_ tap water systems. Sigh! Scientific research labs generally use pure water in studies to avoid adding contamination unknowns, but that research water is not chlorinated. So no one may ever have studied the pesticides with chlorinated tap water. And now I’m starting to wonder about UV filters on certain aquatic systems.
This entire story really, really, bothers me because I feel, that with all the ADHD, autism and neurological diseases we have today, that we have poisoned an entire generation of kids. And the pain and suffering that our unthinking behavior generates is REAL … Children of thalidomide, but hidden.
Again: none of the pesticides produced today are adequately studied with respect to how they break down in the environment. And brain damage would certainly affect our native animals.
I regularly tell people that birds have a better memory than we give them credit for and that they can remember the good hotel rooms and the bad ones.
Let’s give our birds some #ChemFreeZones in our toxic national parks #_OTNP for their migrations. Let’s give all our wild animals _and even ourselves_ safe zones #ChemFreeZones to live.
I am afraid that these examples will become even more common as our use of insecticides and herbicides — and the GMOs that drive higher and higher use of these toxins, explodes.
We spray five times what we sprayed 20 years ago. There are hundreds of new chemicals and new products patented every year. We cannot continue to try and ban individual chemicals. We must create safe zones.
And the sergeant in Hill Street Blues used to tell everybody at the end of his meeting to “be safe out there”.
The best to you all! For past OTNP (#_OTNP on X) issues. you may want to start here. you have received this as a forward and would like to continue receiving it please email me “” <> And if you would like to donate as little as $5 to the cause, you can Zelle it to thank you very much. Bob 310-429-8477