I have a neighbor next door who is wonderful! . The other morning, after I had sent her the post on this blog about the bald eagle, she sent me the following response.
The other –
morning just before 7 am we had a fun start to the new year.
We sat in bed for about 30 minutes watching a bobcat under our bird feeders.
First “B” noticed that there weren’t any birds around and thought that he saw a rabbit sitting under the bird feeder that is on a pole when he realized it was a bobcat!
It was sitting there grooming then went over to a gopher hole in the same area and sat and watched the hole. She (don’t know if male of female though it was on the smaller side) started to crouch, then sprang on the hole catching the gopher. She drug it a few feet and proceeded to have her breakfast (later “B” didn’t find any trace of the gopher – so she ate everything).
After eating she groomed then:
Got a drink of water out of a water tray “B” has there. After drinking she started to play in the water with her paws.
Groomed herself some more under the bird feeders.
She went back over to the hole & started to throw dirt around.
Ran partway up one of the trees.
Groomed some more.
Then went off to the shrubbery in the gully between our houses.
It was so cool just to watch her, especially when she was playing around. Looked just like any cat.
Being able to watch her, the coyotes, weasels & birds of prey is always a reinforcement of why we don’t put out poison for either the gophers or ground squirrels.
Love living here & being able to watch all the wildlife
I have another neighbor across the street who lets his dogs out in the morning with no fence and no leash and they harass the people walking up and down the street, run around on everybody else’s property, and cause damage.
And the other morning he told me that quote _my_ coyotes had attacked and seriously injured one of his dogs. And he meant it!
He was not kidding around. He was not laughing at himself. He honestly believes in his head that because of me his dog got attacked by coyotes.
3 Responses to Neighbors