Environmental Formletter

A suggested letter to email to your favorite environmental group. You certainly don’t have to be a current member we are _all_ prospective members:
sierra club. “Email”
audubon society. “Email”
world wildlife fund. “Email”
Two at the same time what could be easier 😀

Good morning, I hope you are well! I have become very aware recently of the pesticide use in our national parks and designated wilderness areas. I would very much like to know your organization’s plans to publish reviews on the pesticide use in these critical habitats.

Another thing I have come across recently is that some environmental groups post online the information/data that they have managed to get from Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) filings and lawsuits. I think that this is brilliant, and truly sustainable. I have started to wonder if your organization is maybe unintentionally hiding your FOIA data?

I seriously question any re-hoarding of environmentally beneficial FOIA information. Concerned groups who acquired FOIA data got it _because_ it’s public information. I hope your group is not hiding public information that benefits the environment.

I would enjoy hearing more about my absolutely favorite environmental organization’s concrete plans to put all the FOIA documents that you have in a user friendly, online, searchable database in the very near future. Best regards and I am eagerly awaiting your response.


The very best to you my friends
www.puravidaaquatic.com/ www.puravidaaquatics.com/

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One Response to Environmental Formletter

  1. Pingback: Groups who acquired FOIA data got it _because_ it is public information. Any group that then hoards it again is a _major_ part of the problem. | Permaculture Blog

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