I have to credit some of my clients who sincerely care about the environment and work with me to create habitat for the native critters.
Here is a 20 second YouTube on why I do it. https://youtu.be/I5vU653XQjU
That little crowned sparrow is not bathing in toxins – algaecide, fungicide, neem oil, etc, etc. These chemical toxins have not dried on it after it has finished bathing. Have not increased their concentrations which the bird then preens from its feathers and _swallows_. These chemicals have not remained on the bird’s feathers and skin.
Why? Because there are no toxic chemicals added in the first place. What a foolish idea to think that simply because you’re not injecting an algaecide or other pesticide directly into an animal with a syringe that it it doesn’t get into their bloodstream.
I have to give this particular client a lot of credit.
Best to you all