I do not believe that permaculture is about instant gratification. I do not believe it is about who has the biggest or the most swales. I do not believe that it is about asking on a message board for “the permaculture way” to kill things. http://www.puravidaaquatic.com/wordpress/what-is-the-permaculture-way-to-kill-hummingbirds/
I do not believe that it is about my machine being bigger than your machine.
If the above is what permaculture is truly about then the title of this post is correct.
I do believe that the more you know about the world the more beautiful and fascinating it is. I do believe that permaculture revolves around the idea of stop …
look …
and listen.
No really, everyday, stop!
Now look:
At the trees
at the flowers
at the yard
at the sky.
And listen:
To the birds
to the wind
to the things people say.
I do believe that the more you know of biology the more you appreciate the abilities that plants and animals have.