Community gardens have some challenges too.

Community gardens are awesome! And I don’t want to discourage anybody from getting a plot in a community garden!!!!! We need you 😃. I’ve been in half a dozen community gardens over the years and in every single one there are a few members who are a challenge. And I want to get a key word in here for search engines: They are a problem for community gardens. Typical human beings — where; in one particular case, she threw her waste tree trimmings into someone else’s plot instead of walking an unimaginable 30 ft to the compost pile. The tree trimmings were a few small branches, the point is that she seems to consider other people’s property as hers. She steals tarps, she takes over sheds, and she uses other people’s plot as if she, not they, had paid the fee.

It’s the attitude here. Oh, I should/can take it, it is just _one_ tomato. Oh, I can walk through their plot as a shortcut because I’ll be careful. Oh, it’s just one ear of corn. Oh, it’s not even a full-sized tomato it’s just a cherry tomato …. Or a strawberry, or far worse literally killing someone’s garden by shutting off their water because of a perceived drip, instead of contacting the leadership so that appropriate people can be notified. And we’ve all experienced that attitude of I’m going to follow you and talk at you until I get my way. 😃 Or better yet “please don’t do that”…. What did _I_ do?

It doesn’t matter at all how small the thing in question is because it’s the attitude and because the garden is “owned” by these people — I call them dime store gods. Because about all they have behind them is worth about a dime, but they sure want to play God. Real estate communities have police to protect the community members from people that feel that they can take whatever they want and play God in anyway they feel like. And little dime store gods lie, cheat, and steal because “the other person” _deserves_ it. Even killing! Most killings aren’t random but by somebody who believes that they are God and have the _right_ to terminate someone else’s life. The people who steal catalytic converters truly and honestly _believe_ that society owes them — and they are going to play God and take it.

Any organization running a community garden has a very deep obligation to protect the gardeners from the garden “criminals”. It is much more work to do this than sticking a sign out on the street, setting up a web page, and collecting money for the plots. It is far less enjoyable than paying a water bill and believing that that -in itself- is all that’s required to support the community. It is a huge amount of work to oversee all the humanity even for a small community garden. It is _hard_ to terminate the petty criminals. But it is the organization’s responsibility to be a mama bear.  A mama bear who protects her gardeners from dime store revenge wanabe tiny gods. A mama bear does not say “oh that wolf isn’t that big, it won’t really hurt my cub.”  A mama bear goes to bat right then and there for her cub — no matter how big the problem… period.

For all the community garden boards I salute your hard work and encourage you to be mama bears for your gardeners.

I think community gardens are a huge part of the future and fortunately only a very few are struggling to adequately police their members.
The best to you ALL. And I _never_ use all caps because it’s screaming. 😃

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For The First Time, Pig Kidneys Transplanted Into a Human Provide Life-Sustaining Function

An incredible success.

Source: For The First Time, Pig Kidneys Transplanted Into a Human Provide Life-Sustaining Function

Definitely not Absolutely

Look up xenographs.


Man who received landmark pig heart transplant died of pig virus, surgeon says

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Perfectly Preserved Dinosaur Embryo Found Inside Fossilized Egg

The 66- to 72-million-year-old specimen is one of the most complete dinosaur embryos ever found.

Source: Perfectly Preserved Dinosaur Embryo Found Inside Fossilized Egg

Sorry: just another dinosaur post :-)

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Critics warn California bill protecting school officials would punish parents who speak out at board meetings

A new bill is advancing in the California legislature that would criminalize harassment of any school official. The bill’s vague language, critics said, will punish parents for speaking out.

Source: Critics warn California bill protecting school officials would punish parents who speak out at board meetings

Los Angeles unified School district LAUSD has a dropout rate of 50% for African-American males.

Think about that….
Now think about it again….

It is condemning all those kids to hell. No high school diploma. No jobs. No future. This is absolutely appalling. And in my opinion, it is absolutely disgusting. There is absolutely no excuse for it. Where were these freaking bureaucrats when it was getting to that level. And to allow this status quo to continue and not think outside the box to break this cycle is not acceptable. Passing a law that protects the -only think “inside the box”  bureaucrats- is _not_ acceptable. It is about time we start “harassing” these mentally crippled bureaucrats who not only let it get to this point but are defending the continuation of this obscenity.  I have no words for their behavior.

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EPA Approved a Fuel Ingredient Even Though It Could Cause Cancer in Virtually Every Person Exposed Over a Lifetime

An EPA document shows that a new Chevron fuel ingredient has a lifetime cancer risk more than 1 million times higher than what the agency usually finds acceptable — even greater than another Chevron fuel’s sky-high risk disclosed earlier this year.

Source: EPA Approved a Fuel Ingredient Even Though It Could Cause Cancer in Virtually Every Person Exposed Over a Lifetime


calculate the lifetime cancer risk from breathing air pollution that comes from a boat engine burning the fuel. That calculation, which was confirmed by the EPA, came out to 1.3 in 1, meaning every person exposed to it over the course of a full lifetime would be expected to get cancer.

Well there’s really no reason to overstate such an appallingly significant risk. It’s not _every_ person it’s only nine out of 10!
Holy frack.

Six environmental organizations concerned about the risks from the fuels — the Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, Moms Clean Air Force, Toxic-Free Future, Environmental Defense Fund and Beyond Plastics — are challenging the agency’s characterization of the cancer risks.

So you might want to consider donating to one of the organizations above they’re at least trying to keep sloppiness at the EPA at bay.

Wow hang in there people.

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Mysterious Creatures Feed Microbes to Their Babies in New Scientific First

These obscure amphibians are full of surprises.

Source: Mysterious Creatures Feed Microbes to Their Babies in New Scientific First

Biology is so cool! Evolution has figured out so many ways to do things. Sustainability and permaculture are about living with the world modeling our systems on biological systems to minimize our impact. How can you possibly model our systems on biological systems unless you learn about the biology. Every single permaculturist: every single person who believes that they are living a sustainable existence should be exploring biology, taking biological classes, reading and learning about new biological discoveries. I am incredibly passionate about this and I believe that as much as I want to believe that I am one of the the world’s greatest persons –I’m not. I have too much left to learn.

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Biocides glyphosate and clothianidin are contributing to the destruction of aquatic life on the Great Barrier Reef European Commission renews the license for glyphosate on the basis of ECHA’s Classification 1

This is a letter to the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker Vice President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans The Health Commissioner Vytenis Andruikaitis Why did President Juncker fail to state ECHA’s risk assessment in

Source: Biocides glyphosate and clothianidin are contributing to the destruction of aquatic life on the Great Barrier Reef European Commission renews the license for glyphosate on the basis of ECHA’s Classification 1

I’ve been saying for years that the coral bleaching worldwide is most likely due to pesticides and the idea that it’s due to a tiny fractional change in ocean temperature is utterly ridiculous and only promoted by people with absolutely no true biological knowledge or ulterior motives.

Sustainability is not telling everyone the Earth is flat because someone has told you that it is.

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Temecula Mountain Lion Corridor


At the time of the agreement’s signing, an attorney for the Center for Biological Diversity said the pact gives Santa Ana’s imperiled mountain lions “a pathway to recovery.”

“Poorly planned highways and development have hemmed this population in, and these beautiful big cats are being driven toward extinction. Now they have a better chance at survival,” said attorney J.P. Rose.

Be well my friends!

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Community Gardens Are Good for the Neighborhood

A study published in the journal Ecology Letters highlights the benefits of urban gardens for their human caretakers and local ecosystems.

Source: Community Gardens Are Good for the Neighborhood

Yes they are! It is a terrible shame in my opinion that some have waiting lists of more than a year. Come on City councils. And churches often have land that they could put to a good use other than watering grass.

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2023’s ‘Dirty Dozen’: The 12 fruits and vegetables with the most pesticides—and 4 tips for enjoying them safely

The Environmental Working Group released its annual list of non-organic produce with the most pesticides. Blueberries and green beans joined this year’s top 12.

Source: 2023’s ‘Dirty Dozen’: The 12 fruits and vegetables with the most pesticides—and 4 tips for enjoying them safely

I’ve been trying not to dwell on pesticides as much I have been told that I’m being too negative :-)
However in this article there is a key phrase:”two or more”. The combination of pesticides is a serious problem for the population. The combination of two different pesticides could have vastly increased harmful effects the same as over the counter medications. When you get drugs over the counter the pharmacist consults the database of problem combinations. Those kinds of studies are not being done on pesticides. Be well and try to avoid all the toxins out there.

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