Are your strawberries bland? Pesticides could be to blame

Source: Are your strawberries bland? Pesticides could be to blame

😂 Just start thinking about this. Then keep thinking about this. Then think about it again. Then start asking yourselves how many other things we don’t know about the effects of pesticides.

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The Cutest Bat Contest: Here Are The Winners

Bats. They have a bad reputation. That’s why we decided to create a cutest bat contest. Let us know in the comments who should win!

Source: The Cutest Bat Contest: Here Are The Winners

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A suburb outside of Scottsdale, Arizona has had its water shut off due to the drought, in a ‘worst-case scenario’

Rio Verde, Arizona, a suburb just outside of Scottsdale, had its water supply shut off as a consequence of the mega-drought affecting the southwest.

Source: A suburb outside of Scottsdale, Arizona has had its water shut off due to the drought, in a ‘worst-case scenario’

Bummer. They wouldn’t have an issue if they all had pool2ponds :-). Some of my clients got in the neighborhood of 10,000 gallons of rain water this last month. Wow.

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Adderall shortage puts U.S. on brink of public health crisis

A rise in demand for Adderall has triggered a shortage of the drug.

Source: Adderall shortage puts U.S. on brink of public health crisis

Just stunned….

There are 335 million people in the USA as of this date.
And 41 million prescriptions of adderall as of last year. Over 10% …. I am just stunned. Sometimes you think you actually know how evil the biomedical industrial complex is and then you realize you don’t have a clue.

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Rewilding plant microbiomes


Over the past decade, research has shown that microorganisms living on and inside eukaryotes—the microbiota—are drivers of host health. For plants, microbiota can greatly expand their genomic capabilities by enhancing immunity, nutrient acquisition, and tolerance to environmental stresses (1). More than ever, plant microbiota are being considered as a lever to increase the sustainability of food production under a changing climate.

Sustainability is not being dependent on chemical fertilizers and yet glyphosate and neem oil are both likely to increase our dependence on chemical fertilizers as they are toxic to the soil food web. It’s likely many other biocides are also toxic to the soil food web and even our beneficial microbes. The increased use of chemical fertilizers may be part of the reasons behind the next quote.

For example, the domestication of legumes, combined with long-term nitrogen fertilization, has been linked to the evolution of less mutualistic rhizobia (nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria that form nodules in the roots of legumes), and legume varieties that are less able to discriminate between rhizobia that provide nitrogen to the plant versus those that do not (4, 8).

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What permaculture is _not_


So I just got through giving a small permaculture talk in which I said that permaculture was simply not about “treating other people badly.”

I’ll tell you what else permaculture is _not_, it is not about big self-entitled businesses paying for the science that they want. And it’s not about crooked doctors and scientists being bought and sold. Since businesses are now people, let’s all start calling the business Karen’s of the world “Delta airlines.”

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Watch "Harvest Festival: Bob Lloyd, speaker on Permaculture" on YouTube

Thought some of you might enjoy this. I’m embarrassed that I forgot to mention Diane Kennedy and awesome Finch Frolic Garden at the beginning. I’ll do better next time :-) The best to everyone.

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Study shows hazardous herbicide chemical goes airborne

Source: Study shows hazardous herbicide chemical goes airborne

“Dicamba drift”—the movement of the herbicide dicamba off crops through the atmosphere—can result in unintentional damage to neighboring plants. To prevent dicamba drift, other chemicals, typically amines, are mixed with dicamba to “lock” it in place and prevent it from volatilizing, or turning into a vapor that more easily moves in the atmosphere.

Now, new research from the lab of Kimberly Parker, an assistant professor of energy, environmental and chemical engineering at Washington University in St. Louis’ McKelvey School of Engineering, has shed new light on this story by demonstrating for the first time that these amines themselves volatilize, often more than dicamba itself.

Do you think that the chemical pesticide industry has just closed up shop because they lost a few small skirmishes over Roundup? While we were “winning”, their sales went up as much as _five fold_. Who really won? It is easy to be negative. Permaculture is hard. It is hard to come up with possible solutions. But here is something positive that I believe is doable. I would like to see the Sierra club, World Wildlife fund, the Audubon Society, native plant groups, environmental, permaculture and sustainability groups, even local Garden clubs, and scouting groups, get together and eliminate pesticide use in our national parks. The parks are for our native wildlife and plants. We should not be using pesticides in them in the first place. And then…. maybe a 5 Mile pesticide exclusion zone around them. Which would double down on protecting the animals and plants in our national parks and allow people to move to a pesticide reduced environment.

Best to everyone!

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environmental toxins: neurological disorders, parkinsons, alzheimers


Doctors warn exposure to omnipresent yet poorly understood chemicals such as microplastics could play a role in dementia


the astronomical rise in neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s

You think? Or as Homer Simpson would say d’oh.

They could have left out the microplastics. And just left it as Omnipresent yet poorly understood chemicals. When our young people were growing up most insecticides were neurotoxins- couldn’t possibly have had any effect on us. And I just want to comment that in the next great round of pesticides some of them are designed to be molt inhibitors that can targeting DNA regulatory systems. And as a molecular geneticist I think that this is an exquisitely bad idea.

So what can we do? It is easy to just walk away or just throw up your hands and say I can’t do anything. But, I just gave a permaculture talk where I reminded people that permaculture was hard (If it was easy everyone would doing it well). So I have a suggestion that I think is doable; hard, but doable. I would like to see our national environmental groups the Sierra Club, World wWldlife Fund, the Audubon Society, etc. get together with more local groups; sustainability clubs, permaculture organizations, gardening clubs and scouting groups and _end_ the use of pesticides in our national parks. I think this is small enough that we could accomplish it. Our national parks are supposed to be for our wildlife anyway, why in the world are we spreading so many pesticides and toxins around them? It would be great if we could incorporate say a 5 mile exclusion zone around them also where people could go live under a reduced pesticide load. I think that the big pesticide chemical conglomerates might not be as enthusiastic as we might be with this idea, but I believe that it is doable; hard, but doable. The best to everybody out there.

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Harvest festival at St Mary’s in the valley Episcopal Church: Ramona
I am going to speak briefly on permaculture shortly after 11:00 am. I will post a synopsis of my talk in a couple of days. Best to everyone.

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