Problems with multiple pesticide use.

The deleterious effects of this cocktail of poisons are deforming and killing wildlife, though scientists have yet to study the mixtures of so many poisons working together.

This is a serious problem and is not being addressed adequately in today’s regulatory climate.

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Snoopy dancing in the rain

Snoopy dancing in the rain

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Riverside county targeted for spraying


Anti-mosquito spraying involves the use of chemicals approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Pesticides are emitted as a mist dispersed from machines anchored in the backs of pickup trucks.

Well the chemicals are approved by the EPA! I feel great now. Oh wait so is Roundup.

According to Department of Environmental Health spokesman Brent Casey, concentrations of mosquitoes that tested positive for West Nile virus have raised concerns about the potential for it to be transmitted.

Well there are important concerns about West Nile being transmitted so it is OK right. But ….

No human WNV infections have been documented in Riverside County this year. Statewide, two infections have been recorded, in Central and Northern California, according to the California Department of Public Health.

No, it’s not okay; as the quote above states no cases in Riverside county and in the entire State … 2.

Our biomedical and pesticide industries are comfortable with collateral damage if there is enough profit involved. Successful lawsuits as with Roundup cut into that profit, but the focus is not to make a safer product but to make successful lawsuits more difficult. Make it hard to get accurate information on where the treatments are taking place and specifically what chemicals are involved. And while I enjoy the Patch they are not the LA Times. They are not the San Diego Union-Tribune, or the Sacramento Bee. But by everything under the Sun the politicians are not withholding information or making it hard to get, it was published in a newspaper!!!

Breakdown products — we have no clue as to the effects of the break down products of many of these chemicals. Is it possible that companies could be required to spend a small portion of their sales on independent studies of breakdown products and possible consequences?

Drug interactions and contraindicated treatments or procedures. When you go to a doctor they work with computerized information as to when a treatment or drug is not recommended alongside another condition or drug. This is a good thing! But experiments had to been done to find all those interactions. Those experiments are not profitable for the pesticide industry. Is it possible that companies could be required to spend a small portion of their sales on independent studies of toxic interactions of their thousands and thousands (20,000+ approved) of products and possible consequences?

As of today only one side of the equation is being funded. It’s impossible to have a fair discussion when that is the case.

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San Diego County continues to aerial spray insecticides

Source: Dated Sun, Jul 17, 2022 at 6:12 pm PT

The San Diego County Vector Control Program (VCP) will conduct its fifth routine aerial mosquito-fighting larvicide application on ten different Oceanside waterways this coming Wednesday and Thursday. Granules of larvicide will be applied via helicopter to specific waterways known to breed mosquitoes throughout the San Diego region to reduce mosquito breeding and decrease the risk of West Nile virus (WNV) transmission. The larvicide consists of naturally occurring bacteria that target mosquito larvae but are safe for people, pets, plants and wildlife. (Oceanside-Camp Pendleton Patch)

Well heck it’s safe for wildlife so that’s okay right.

Except that it’s _not_ safe for wildlife. I don’t know what dictionary the VCP is using but they apparently have found a different definition of _wildlife_ then is normal. It is not safe for the bees that inhabit these areas it is not safe for the monarch butterflies. And it is particularly not safe for dragonflies or damselflies that inhabit this area. Both dragonflies and damselflies, including their larvae, are excellent mosquito predators. Guess what…. These insecticides kill them. Let’s kill the natural native mosquito predators and then vector control gets to buy more toxins (from the chemical industry reps. at three Martini lunches) to spray in your backyard and tell you what an important job they are doing for you. And please remember that according to the chemical industry Representatives Roundup is safe for people and pets. Completely safe,

And if you’re living outside San Diego county and smirking you probably shouldn’t be because your local vector control is likely doing the same thing. In many cases these vector control bureaucrats have passed rules and legislation that allow them to bypass environmental regulations.

These biocides are also not safe for a variety of aquatic organisms that actually outcompete mosquito larva. So let’s poison the very ecology that could help us, and instead of doing a better job of pouring out standing water in our own backyards let’s aerial spray toxins all over everybody. Think you can grow organic food in your backyard?

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To tame lake-fouling algal blooms, try an ecosystem approach

Every summer, surges of toxic green muck plague lakes worldwide, sickening hikers who fail to purify drinking water, closing favorite swimming holes, and killing fish. The most feared—and studied—cause of these freshwater “algal” blooms is a genus of cyanobacterium called Microcystis. Its explosive summer growth is thought to be spurred by rising levels of phosphorus, nitrogen, and other nutrients, perhaps from fertilizer run off or other pollution sources. But new research….

Source: To tame lake-fouling algal blooms, try an ecosystem approach

Hey here’s an idea lets stop the runoff.

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Watch "Don McLean – Vincent ( Starry, Starry Night) With Lyrics" on YouTube

Watch “Don McLean – Vincent ( Starry, Starry Night) With Lyrics” on YouTube

Catch the breeze and the winter chill in colors…. This is the one of the better music videos of Don McLean’s Vincent I have seen recently. The pictures match well with the lyrics and it had me thinking about how if we had a cataclysmic event such as the asteroid that impacted 65 million years ago — all the artistry of Vincent Van Gogh and Don McLean, as well as _so many others_ Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, thousands of other awesome artists would be gone.

So I’m pushing again for people to consider the idea of: instead of bringing back material from the Moon that would just be of commercial value to the US; instead: take material _to_ the moon and put a library on the moon. Not physical library material, but receivers for electronic data and storage material and even potentially 3D printers to get an electronic backup copy of the art and knowledge of the human race. This would be an outstanding accomplishment in my opinion.

The benefit would also be that the library would be for _all_ the countries of the world. There are over 200 sovereign countries on this little “pale blue dot” , and setting up a Moon based international library with representatives (librarians) from all sovereign countries would start a moon base out on a proper course. It would not be a military base with Freedom, Justice, or Patriot in its name by the United States, it would not be an attempt by Russia or China to counter the US’s attempts at world domination. It would truly be an international accomplishment. It would require librarians at a moon base to sort, categorize, and update material from each of the national libraries of the world. And would allow librarians from all the sovereign countries to come together and participate in a truly international moon base. I fear that the United States will try to militarize space and the moon far more than is good for the world. — It’s that crazy military industrial complex that we have all been warned about :-).
The best to you all.

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Watch "Amargasaurus: Your Dinosaurs Are Wrong #25" on YouTube

This production is art. This production is what some artists used to be. The ancient artists Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Vincent van Gogh used state of the art techniques in construction, chemistry, cameras, mirrors, and many other cutting edge techniques of their time to form their art. This series of productions by Your Dinosaurs Are Wrong (YDAW) is _art_ and is exquisite in the ideas espoused.
You rock YDAW.
But ignore my ranting and please watch the video. 310-429-8477

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Farmer Says Dealer Wouldn’t Repair His Tractor Until He Filed FTC Complaint

Jared Wilson’s struggle to keep his John Deere tractors running highlights the stranglehold the company has on the people who produce America’s food.

Source: Farmer Says Dealer Wouldn’t Repair His Tractor Until He Filed FTC Complaint

Just my opinion: but it seems to me that John Deere does not believe in sustainability.

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There’s a Major Issue With How We Treat Lab Mice, And It Could Affect Study Results

We must do better.

Source: There’s a Major Issue With How We Treat Lab Mice, And It Could Affect Study Results

Over 120 million laboratory rats and mice are used worldwide each year. Many are used to study distressing conditions like cancer, arthritis and chronic pain, and nearly all spend their lives in small, empty box-like cages: a kind of permanent lockdown.

“empty box-like cages: a kind of permanent lockdown”
I can’t tell you how many people I know who are angry that they were inconvenienced by the covid lockdowns and yet are completely indifferent to the suffering of animals who are locked down for _not 2% of their lives but for their entire lives_.

People need to begin to understand how badly our experimental animals are treated. We had to pass a law so that chickens kept for egg laying were given the ability to to spread their wings in the cages that they lived in all their lives! We treat research animals far worse in many cases! The cosmetic industry, the medical industrial complex, and the pesticide industry use many thousands of animals (literally millions worldwide) to test their products. Lab rats and mice are just the tip of the iceberg many of the dogs and cats that are not able to be “sold” as pets are sold to these “research” groups.

That said, the article above also illustrates how the stress that we experience in our lives affects our immune systems. One of the reasons I was upset about the reaction by our governments to covid was how much stress was implicit in their mandates. Be well my friends.

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Earth’s Most Efficient Natural Storage System: Land-Building Marsh Plants Are Champions of Carbon Capture

Wetlands are Earth’s most efficient natural storage system for climate-warming carbon dioxide. Human activities such as marsh draining for agriculture and logging are increasingly eating away at saltwater and freshwater wetlands. These vital areas cover only 1% of Earth’s surface but store more t

Source: Earth’s Most Efficient Natural Storage System: Land-Building Marsh Plants Are Champions of Carbon Capture

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