Pig kidney transplant successfully tested on deceased woman

A pig kidney was successfully tested on a dead patient last month for the first time without being immediately rejected.

Source: Pig kidney transplant successfully tested on deceased woman

Since they say it wasn’t rejected she _had_ to have been brain dead but her body was still “living.”

This is an important step forward in realizing the promise of xenotransplantation, which will save thousands of lives each year in the not-too-distant future,” said United Therapeutics CEO Martine Rothblatt in a statement. Revivicor is a subsidiary.

Honestly if you’re worried about covid you should be horrified and terrified at this. Xenografts or xenotransplantation is really not a good idea

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FDA clears CRISPR cattle for meat production

Oh my! Another reason to be vegan.

Following a safety review, U.S. food regulators said short-haired cattle produced through gene editing can be raised for meat production.

Source: FDA clears CRISPR cattle for meat production

And remember that term “precision breeding.”. Oh my.

Acceligen, a “precision breeding” company based in the Minneapolis suburbs, used the CRISPR gene-editing technique to produce cattle with the short-hair trait, known as a slick coat. Some scientists say cattle with an extremely short coat may be better able to tolerate hot weather.

A “slick coat” would also make them easier to butcher and process. Can’t imagine that it would increase skin cancer rates.

Be well my friends!

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Rwandan Genocide Chemically Modified the DNA of Victims and Victims’ Offspring

Scientists with the USF Genomics program and Center for Global Health and Infectious Disease Research have taken a significant step in providing the people of Rwanda the scientific tools they need to help address mental health issues that stemmed from the 1994 genocides of the Tutsi ethnic group.

Source: Rwandan Genocide Chemically Modified the DNA of Victims and Victims’ Offspring

Epigenetics is the study of systems that modify DNA. Not changing the actual coding- just the expression of it. This is usually done by methylation systems. Regular stress, fear, anxiety, frustration, etc seems to turn on these DNA modification systems that can affect the expression of a fetuses genes. The Rwandan genocide may be just a mild example of what our politicians have done with the fear-mongering over covid. I hope that most of you reading this can set aside some of the fear and anxiety that seems to be encouraged these days. Be well my friends.

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UPDATE: California governor signs new date label bill to reduce food waste

The bill, signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown, follows a law from earlier in October that expanded liability protections for food donations.

Source: UPDATE: California governor signs new date label bill to reduce food waste

5.5 million tons of food are going to just California landfills each year! Oh my. So if we eat about 3 lb of food a day that’s about half a ton in a year per person. You could feed all of Los Angeles free on what we just throw out.

If you believe in permaculture you do not believe in throwing out lots of food. Now granted a fair amount of this waste is from restaurants and they actually have a monetary interest in not throwing out good food. So probably the majority of the waste that can be reduced comes from residential refrigerators.

My ex-significant other used to throw out more food than I bought. Partially because I was eating a lot of stuff from my garden. Much of which actually never made it inside.:-) But she would buy lots of lettuce and celery and stuff that she thought she would use for cooking and not get around to it; it would get pushed to the back and go bad and then she’d buy some more. Of course I got lots of stuff for my red worms and composting :-)

There’s also information available that suggests that going to the grocery store if you’re hungry is not a good idea. Everything looks good. You buy fruits and vegetables that will just sit in your refrigerator and rot. the problem is a lot of people go to the grocery store on their way home from work and they have not had any food since lunch. Have some granola bars or an apple or something before you go into the grocery store. Just an idea.
Be well my friends.

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US meat industry using 235m pounds of pesticides a year, study finds

More than 100,000 tons of pesticides are being sprayed each year onto feed crops for factory farms in the US, animal welfare and conservation groups have revealed.

Source: US meat industry using 235m pounds of pesticides a year, study finds

100,000 _tons_ – just thought you might want to know that there’s another reason for being an organic vegetarian :-) Of course there are three pages of _approved_ pesticides by the USDA that you can spray and still call it organic so growing some veggies in your own backyard works too. Get a plot in a community garden!
Best to you all.

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A Fight Over the Right to Repair Cars Turns Ugly

In the wake of a voter-approved law, Subaru and Kia dealers in Massachusetts have disabled systems that allow remote starts and send maintenance alerts.

Source: A Fight Over the Right to Repair Cars Turns Ugly

Just my two cents. If you believe in permaculture do not buy cars from Subaru or Kia. These auto dealers are exhibiting the exact opposite of sustainability and the ability to recycle and reuse. And they’re simply being mean.

Lots of other places to shop. Enjoy. Be well.

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Watch "Woman Has Removed Over 300 Hooks From Sharks’ Mouths | The Dodo Wild Hearts" on YouTube

Watch “Woman Has Removed Over 300 Hooks From Sharks’ Mouths | The Dodo Wild Hearts” on YouTube

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Natural immunity

Source: https://thehill-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/592457-the-cdc-is-finally-recognizing-natural-immunity-legislators-should-follow?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&amp&usqp=mq331AQIKAGwASCAAgM%3D#aoh=16439394885811&csi=0&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fthehill.com%2Fopinion%2Fhealthcare%2F592457-the-cdc-is-finally-recognizing-natural-immunity-legislators-should-follow


natural immunity was more protective against infection than vaccination (in California during September, 8.3-fold vs 35.0-fold).

Sometimes these statistics are rather confusing I would assume that that is saying that you had an 8.3 fold less likelihood of getting sick again if you had been vaccinated. And a 35 fold less likelihood of getting sick again if you had had covid before.


Similarly, those who had a previous infection and remain unvaccinated are also highly protected against serious omicron disease.

Given now that CDC recognizes the protective effect of prior infection, it is time to update vaccination policies and school or work-entry requirements across federal and state or county governments. Those with natural immunity should have equal status as those vaccinated. Demonstrating a prior infection is no more difficult than demonstrating vaccination. Many European countries recognize that immunity due to prior infection is equal to vaccination

There are literally books written on this subject and I don’t intend to try to go into depth here but many doctors and virologists and microbiologists are frustrated by the po-little-docs governing our response to the epidemic.

This is going to be similar to the organic versus pesticide farming debate in my opinion. The pesticide industrial complex has increased food production and has benefited the world in many ways and destroyed it in others. DDT, Roundup, etc.

Vaccines have saved many people with crippled immune systems but they are not the glorious solution to all our problems. As we are also finding out with antibiotic resistance. In many respects vaccines are analogous to a Ford Pinto. There are many people who drove Ford Pintos to work and play regularly, and believe that they were valuable automobiles. There are other people who were completely right saying “yeah but _they blow up_ when you hit them from the back.” Our biggest problem today is that the vaccine manufacturers are completely immune from lawsuits by an act of Congress. Do you think that if Ford Motor Company had been _completely immune_ to lawsuits that we would be driving the cars we have today or would we be still driving cars that blow up when they’re hit from behind.

The worst thing about the current vaccines in my opinion is that they target a single Spike protein. They are barely a vaccine at all. As the article above points out; when you are infected with a live virus your immune system is exposed to a variety of other proteins and features of the virus: but what is not mentioned in the article nor anywhere that I’ve seen is that you are also exposed to all the viral mutants that are generated in your body. A covid infection is estimated to have around 10 to the power of 11 viruses. Wow!:-)

With an RNA virus about one in every million is a mutant. This means that for someone who is infected with the original covid virus, their immune system was exposed to about 100,000 mutants albeit at extremely low levels. Which means that in most cases of natural immunity the person had some exposure to Delta, epsilon, omicron, and 99 thousand 9 hundred and 97 other variants and strains. Depending on how early a successful variant arose your immune system may have had a very good grasp on it by the time you got well. It is this exposure to other variants not just other proteins that gives natural immunity an incredible benefit over RNA vaccines and it is literally impossible to study how much is this effect. This is one of the appalling things about our covid testing. The testing is about making our medical industrial complex money and not about protecting people. If they wanted to protect people they would have quickly developed a test for identifying whether you have ever had covid in the past and thus have natural immunity. But this would not sell vaccines. And if you’ve ever had a positive PCR test _without having ever been vaccinated you have a robust natural immunity and _you are the best member of our_ herd immunity!

Booster shots can be important for increasing immunity, but a secondary exposure is far, far more beneficial. Boosters particularly with RNA vaccines _will not_ and cannot increase immunity to another strain or variant. Also, by withholding information on what are actually in the “boosters” that are being touted by the medical industrial complex they are actually endangering people. From what I can tell some of the boosters aren’t really boosters but are new vaccines to the new strains. A booster is _only_ a booster if made exactly like the original vaccine. And of course such a booster will do nothing for any new variant.

There are people today that want bovine growth hormone and antibiotics in their food because it makes their food cheaper and in some cases easier to acquire, there are others that would rather not be exposed to that material.

The Best to you all!

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Monsanto’s Fingerprints All Over Newsweek’s Hit on Organic Food

Henry Miller is still failing to disclose his collaborations with Monsanto as he attacks their critics and competitors .

Source: Monsanto’s Fingerprints All Over Newsweek’s Hit on Organic Food

My friends, these big companies are not stupid. They have learned over the years, and their PR departments have SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) to handle many of the situations that arise.

Back in the late 80s and early 90s even before the “internet”, you could log onto newsgroups over a modem at 9600k 😮.

On a news group focusing on printers any questions about hewlett-packard’s print quality was immediately met with an effort to portray any such problem as due to inferior paper. When challenged about exactly which paper manufacturers were doing such a terrible job. With the likelihood that a paper manufacturer would have enough credibility to sue hp. Suddenly the people claiming paper problems vanished. couldn’t possibly been a hp spokeshole.

It is incredibly easy to pay someone to check blogs, post responses or news articles, and even write scientific papers, and then for the company to write it all off as “advertising” .


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A new video of Tianwen-1 flying above Mars is pretty epic

“The country’s Tianwen-1 spacecraft, which has been in orbit around Mars for nearly one year, captured a “selfie” video that shows the craft passing in front of the planet. This video was taken by a camera on the end of a narrow arm that extends 1.6 meters away from the vehicle and is used by operators to monitor the health of the spacecraft..”

Source: A new video of Tianwen-1 flying above Mars is pretty epic

Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! I have said before how I believe that permaculture must support exploration and at the same time accept the cost of exploration. I have to be better than average in my recycling and general Earth caring because my smartphone and my love of exploring new things comes at a cost to the Earth; in rare earth metals mining, in toxic pollution by the used material, etc, etc.

Rejoice and
Be well my friends.

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