Written by a PR firm
Willful ignorance
Strategic stupidity
Have you ever done AERIAL adult mosquito control?
We have treated larval sources by using helicopters to disperse pesticides in hard to reach areas, but have not utilized aircraft to control adult mosquitoes. We have not yet been faced with a situation where this approach was needed/warranted.
Careful to not say “Yes”. Also by limiting it to adult mosquitoes it gives the misleading impression that the spraying for mosquito control in general is less than it is. Willful ignorance
Strategic stupidity.
We will conduct aerial adult mosquito control if conditions are warranted in our area. Our first priority is protecting public health, and will use this approach, if necessary.
Yes. This is all they needed to say.
How would you notify the public if an aerial adult mosquito control is scheduled?
While we are not required to provide any specific form of notification, vector control districts go to great lengths to ensure the public is well aware of disease risks and pending treatments when necessary. We will provide pre-notification via our website, social media sites, news alert list-serve, public postings in the treatment area, and through the media to the greatest extent possible.
Not required to notify. Which means that “to the greatest extent possible is… not possible. :-)
How safe are aerial pesticide applications?
Aerial applications pose no more or less risk than truck-mounted or hand-help pesticide applications. Airplanes allow Districts to protect public health over a larger area more quickly, and more efficiently. The decision to use this approach is made by the District based on current disease and risk parameters.
The active ingredients in the pesticides used for aerial mosquito control are products commonly found in many over-the-counter insecticides available to the general public. Aerial applications actually use less pesticide than is commonly used around the home because aerial equipment disperses much smaller droplets to better target mosquitoes.
“Over the counter” ! Laughing… so was DDT and Roundup.
The decision to conduct adult/aerial mosquito control is never taken lightly. The products are less specific and can impact non-target species, therefore will only be conducted when public health is threatened and other means have not been adequate to reduce these risks.
Of course it is not taken lightly!!! As with most government agencies it is use it or lose it. They need to use resources to prove that they are (GLAVC is) needed. It must be a heavy burden. Sigh :-)
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