Instagram and TikTok pull ads from startup Cerebral linking ADHD to obesity

One ad featured images of a woman eating junk food and linked ADHD to obesity.

Source: Instagram and TikTok pull ads from startup Cerebral linking ADHD to obesity

Not amused by Instagram and tiktok. They are sure running advertisement for medications that inhibit the immune system in the midst of the covid shenanigans. But if somebody suggests that an ADHD diagnosis means a five-fold increase in obesity — that can’t be allowed.

It couldn’t possibly be that somebody looking carefully and honestly into this would connect the _medications_ _treating ADHD_ with a five-fold increase in obesity because that would cost the biomed industry money. And we couldn’t have that could we?

People it’s not just me getting older that causes me to worry about the thought police.

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Aerial spraying for mosquitoes in SoCal


Written by a PR firm
Willful ignorance
Strategic stupidity

Have you ever done AERIAL adult mosquito control?
We have treated larval sources by using helicopters to disperse pesticides in hard to reach areas, but have not utilized aircraft to control adult mosquitoes. We have not yet been faced with a situation where this approach was needed/warranted.

Careful to not say “Yes”. Also by limiting it to adult mosquitoes it gives the misleading impression that the spraying for mosquito control in general is less than it is. Willful ignorance
Strategic stupidity.

We will conduct aerial adult mosquito control if conditions are warranted in our area. Our first priority is protecting public health, and will use this approach, if necessary.

Yes. This is all they needed to say.

How would you notify the public if an aerial adult mosquito control is scheduled?
While we are not required to provide any specific form of notification, vector control districts go to great lengths to ensure the public is well aware of disease risks and pending treatments when necessary. We will provide pre-notification via our website, social media sites, news alert list-serve, public postings in the treatment area, and through the media to the greatest extent possible.

Not required to notify. Which means that “to the greatest extent possible is… not possible. :-)

How safe are aerial pesticide applications?
Aerial applications pose no more or less risk than truck-mounted or hand-help pesticide applications. Airplanes allow Districts to protect public health over a larger area more quickly, and more efficiently. The decision to use this approach is made by the District based on current disease and risk parameters.

The active ingredients in the pesticides used for aerial mosquito control are products commonly found in many over-the-counter insecticides available to the general public. Aerial applications actually use less pesticide than is commonly used around the home because aerial equipment disperses much smaller droplets to better target mosquitoes.

“Over the counter” ! Laughing… so was DDT and Roundup.

The decision to conduct adult/aerial mosquito control is never taken lightly. The products are less specific and can impact non-target species, therefore will only be conducted when public health is threatened and other means have not been adequate to reduce these risks.

Of course it is not taken lightly!!! As with most government agencies it is use it or lose it. They need to use resources to prove that they are (GLAVC is) needed. It must be a heavy burden. Sigh :-)

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How Much Do Fruits and Vegetables Cost?

ERS used retail scanner data to estimate the average prices of 153 fresh and processed fruits and vegetables. The report includes estimates of the cost of meeting the recommendations of USDA’s recently released 2010 Dietary Guidelines

Source: How Much Do Fruits and Vegetables Cost?

in 2008, an adult on a 2,000- calorie diet could satisfy recommendations for vegetable and fruit consumption in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (amounts and variety) at an average price of $2 to $2.50 per day, or approximately 50 cents per edible cup equivalent.

So for around $60 a month you can buy pesticide laden fruits and vegetables. Would you be willing to pay $90 a month for your own fruits and vegetables? grown in your own garden. Just an idea for a business.

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In a First, Man Receives a Heart From a Genetically Altered Pig

The breakthrough may lead one day to new supplies of animal organs for transplant into human patients.

Source: In a First, Man Receives a Heart From a Genetically Altered Pig

Oh my this is not good! I remember a few years ago when the US was all upset about Chinese “peasants” living with their animals, primarily chickens and _pigs_, and how all the amazing geniuses in the US were horrified that this would promote the exchange of animal viruses and humans. Well let me tell you as a microbiologist that living with your animals is nothing, _nothing_ at all compared to having their living cells implanted in you. And then given immunosuppressant drugs. Our medical establishment couldn’t design a better method for creating a pig virus that can infect humans if they tried.
Oh well it’s all good! The best can be made from the biggest mistakes and the worst can be made from the best intentions.

Be well all of you!

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Mechanism of molnupiravir-induced SARS-CoV-2 mutagenesis – PubMed

Molnupiravir is an orally available antiviral drug candidate currently in phase III trials for the treatment of patients with COVID-19. Molnupiravir increases the frequency of viral RNA mutations and impairs SARS-CoV-2 replication in animal models and in humans. Here, we establish the molecular mech …

Source: Mechanism of molnupiravir-induced SARS-CoV-2 mutagenesis – PubMed

Biochemical assays show that the RdRp uses the active form of molnupiravir, β-D-N4-hydroxycytidine (NHC) triphosphate, as a substrate instead of cytidine triphosphate or uridine triphosphate. When the RdRp uses the resulting RNA as a template, NHC directs incorporation of either G or A, leading to mutated RNA products.

It not only mutates the viral genome RNA but it also mutates your own human cells RNA.

1) The very cells in your body that are working the hardest to express new RNA are your immune system cells trying to generate templates for antibody production to fight the virus. This drug cannot be good for your immune system.

2) covid-19 is obviously an RNA virus. Because of the chemical nature of RNA and proofreading factors, RNA viruses already mutate approximately 10 times faster than DNA organisms. This high rate of mutation allows them to generate potential variants more quickly. I definitely question trying to increase their rate of mutagenesis. Especially with the likelihood of missed dosages and other factors of the real world.

And in one of my other posts I speculated that one of the unforeseen problems with the real world versus scientific research was the issue of chlorination. I would bet very few scientific labs research the reaction of chlorinated tap water with the drug products they are working on.

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CWD spreads on deer and elk farms as Wisconsin’s control efforts stumble

A chronic wasting disease expert warns allowing infected facilities to continue operating poses a ‘clear, persistent and likely escalating risk’ to wild deer herd

Source: CWD spreads on deer and elk farms as Wisconsin’s control efforts stumble

For many years now this has been going on. The root cause was feeding wild deer in the winter time to benefit the deer hunters. The feed was cattle feed that was contaminated with mad cow disease. I just want to put out there that wild deer and elk meat may not be safe to eat anymore. I don’t know what the answer is but please be careful. The best to everyone.

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Turkey meat recall

Jennie-O Turkey Store Sales, LLC, a Barron, Wis. establishment, is recalling approximately 91,388 pounds of raw ground turkey products that may be associated with an illness outbreak of Salmonella Reading.


I’m wondering what they do with all this recalled material. And I wonder how many turkeys gave their lives to ultimately be thrown in the trash.

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Genome damage from CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing higher than thought

Source: Genome damage from CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing higher than thought

These results create safety implications for gene therapies using CRISPR/Cas9 in the future as the unexpected damage could lead to dangerous changes in some cells.

Oh my, this is significant! So GMOs are a delicate subject. But GMOs as a whole may not be the evil that many people think of them as being.
In some respects they are safer than classical genetic techniques because in theory you know exactly what you want to change and exactly where. One of the classic examples of breeding for a trait is an issue with celery. After careful classic pollination and seed production trying to breed for insect herbivory resistance the plants were unmarketable as they simply increased production of a phototoxin. This would not have happened with an attempt at a GMO. The major problem I have with GMOs is that 90% of them in plants are produced simply to increase pesticide resistance so that more pesticides can be sprayed on the fields. This is not a good outcome. But the main benefit is the idea of knowing exactly what you want to change and exactly what you have ultimately done. And realize this is about more than creating plant GMOs. This is about changing bacteria and pets and human beings. If this paper is correct then that main benefit is untrue.

Learn about your environment learn about what the scientific community is doing to your world. And don’t believe something just because “science says” any more than you would believe “Simon says” — to go jump in a lake.
The best to you all.

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Monsanto Roundup Attacks Healthy Gut Bacteria, Lawsuit…

Source: Monsanto Roundup Attacks Healthy Gut Bacteria, Lawsuit…


According to the suit — which names three consumers as plaintiffs seeking unspecified monetary damages and class action status — Roundup’s active ingredient glyphosate attacks an enzyme also found in the beneficial intestinal bacteria of humans and some animals.

End quote

Glyphosate was originally described as an antibiotic. It is likely to be a significant part of the obesity epidemic. If you feed low levels of antibiotic to cattle (a mammal just like we are) they gain weight faster.

Eat organic and grow as much of your own food as you can without putting pesticides on it! Even green pesticides are, in most cases, bad for the environment.

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Watch "Why Hybrid Animals May Take Over the North" on YouTube

In my opinion this has a lot of real biological value! Her points about biodiversity! Her points about speciation in general I think are some of the best biological thinking I’ve seen in a while (and also apply to viruses) :-) even though of course viruses don’t mate. But they do recombine in your cells. Happy New year to everyone!!!

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