OTNP Sept 2024

OTNP September 2024

Good morning!😀 Hope you all are having a wonderful month!
It is so easy to complain 😀 about so many things these days. Unfortunately most times the complaints have no real doable solution other than “change everything about government.” I believe that there is a _doable_ solution to our pesticide problems. I think there are three things, that are very easy, that we can do.😀 That will make things dramatically better for future generations. Just three easy steps

Elephants were not destroyed by pesticides … just thoughtless behavior and destruction of natural areas. Same behavior our US national parks are showing today

dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate is in the news these days. As the EPA is banning it after 65 years on the market. 65 years of the same side effects and damage to the environment that all of a sudden is now important to ban. We cannot continue to ban individual pesticides. We must and can start safe zones.


Roughly 39% of the fish tested had stored DCPA concentrations that exceeded their limit of detection, and the male fish had higher stored concentrations of DCPA than their female counterparts.[14″

That last line is interesting! DCPA has a different affinity for male versus female. I wonder how many other toxins we are spraying around have different affinities depending on whether you or your children are male or female? 🤔😀 And since most pesticides haven’t even been remotely tested in this respect, this is another example of why we need safe zones. We spent 10 years working to get Roundup banned. And we didn’t even get it banned. In the same 10 years hundreds of new pesticide products have been approved. And the adjuvants that are mixed with them are mostly not regulated (approved) at all.

the EPA said exposure to the pesticide, dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate, also known DCPA or dacthal, can affect fetal thyroid hormone levels. These changes are in turn associated with lower birth weights and impairments to brain development and motor skills

Another source:

Studies have demonstrated that DCPA acts as a chemical disruptor by interfering with microtubule formation in exposed cells. This interference results in abnormal cell division. The abnormal microtubules affect cell wall formation as well as chromosome replication and division.[20] The key difference between DCPA and other mitotic inhibitors is that it often produces multinucleate cells.[21] It essentially kills plants by inhibiting cell division in this manner.[20]

Another source:

EPA said it consulted with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on “alternatives to this pesticide,” and presumably determined that there were “alternative chemicals” that could be used in chemical-intensive agriculture.—while not considering “alternatives to chemicals.” This is the framework that is understood to be EPA’s process that keeps pest management on a pesticide treadmill


Our Toxic National Parks will not tell you if they are spraying DCPA in our parks and on our endangered species.

We must get our legacy conservation groups involved and we must generate safe zones where all toxic chemical use is prohibited.  I started to say indiscriminate or careless chemical use above but then I realized that our big PR departments would argue that the use of xxxx under “carefully controlled conditions”  isn’t careless or indiscriminate. Even though by their understanding of carefully controlled conditions, it actually is.

There are more than 3,000 types of neurons. These neurons govern what we think of as our personality; language, social skills, empathy, and almost certainly hatred, jealousy, entitlement, animosity, and even certain social ills too. It certainly would not be impossible from my biological point of view that some of the pesticides and adjuvents being sprayed could effect these neuron types differently. The wars, political animosity, and even certain social ills of today could certainly be, in part, due to our increasing chemically toxic world, and not just people’s individual choices.

And if you think that because you get organic fruit and vegetables for your children that they are better off…. They actually may be more exposed 😮 Because adjuvants are unregulated.

I believe we _must_ create safe zones.

The sierra club, world wildlife fund, and audubon society are well aware of the issues that I am regularly presenting. They are well aware of the PFOS contamination of pesticides and adjuvants. Chemicals used even for organic crops.🤔 I would assume they can figure out the danger these toxins represent to our native endangered animals. Until they create programs and publish pesticide use statistics from our _wilderness areas_, I will continue to consider them simply _enablers_ of the pesticide industry, and I believe you should as well.
Three little easy things

For past OTNP issues.

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But you may want to start here. www.puravidaaquatic.com/wordpress/why-i-started-this/
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And if you would like to donate as little as $5 to the cause, you can Zelle it to vidaaquatic@gmail.com. thank you very much. Bob
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Ames Test

One of my best friends is very, very smart. But also very very opinionated.😀 I was trying to describe a complex biological process and he says “I don’t care” and walks away. Now he’s very very good at changing his opinion when he gets a new viewpoint. And that is why we are great friends. If he would make the effort to understand the process I was trying to describe I can guarantee that he would change his mind. But he can’t _yet_.😀

I would like to try to describe a biological system that some of you may be well aware of but others may be not. How do we identify carcinogens?

The newspapers tell you that science has decreed a certain chemical as “likely to be a carcinogen.” How does the news media’s version of “science” do that?🤔

It’s called the Ames test. And what Bruce Ames wanted to do was find a way to detect mutations. He took a strain of bacteria that could grow fine with basically sugar and nitrogen and some mineral nutrients. And then he damaged it’s ability to make an amino acid -histidine. Now this bacterial strain can only grow if you supply it with histidine.

Bacteria and our cells always have a background rate of mutation. If you take a drop of Ames’s creation (about 3X10^8 cells) 100 million! cells and spread it around on a petri plate with the basic nutrients and _no histidine_ the vast majority of the cells can’t grow however five or six cells will grow. These cells grow and grow, overnight all in one place, and become visible colonies. Five or six cells will form colonies in this case, because that is the normal rate at which mutations are occurring in 100 million cells.

You can count those colonies and count the mutation frequency. I’m trying to keep this simple and just give the idea behind it so don’t get too tangled up with numbers.

I googled and tried to find a “simple description of the Ames test” and unbelievably I couldn’t find one that I didn’t think was just way too complicated. But you can certainly Google it online. (Auxotrophs and heterotrophs geez what’s wrong with people 😀)

Now the DNA changes that make the bacterial strain unable to make histidine are _very specific_ and this is why Bruce Ames is given so much credit for developing it. There are a set of strains. Some strains have simple DNA changes and others more complex ones. But the general point is that if the cells are exposed to a mutagen and then (as above) 100 million cells are plated; 10, 100, even a thousand cells exposed to this mutagen will have been mutagenized and will form colonies just like above and can be counted.

At the lower end where it’s very close to normal background is where the fuzziness (maybe it is maybe it’s not) comes in. But if a thousand colonies pop up it’s definitely a mutagen. Most carcinogens turn out to be mutagens. if you get a thousand colonies the substance is designated a likely carcinogen.

There’s one additional trick. Our livers are trying to DEtoxify environmental chemicals. Unfortunately since they have not evolved with the latest greatest toxin they often metabolize today’s chemicals and drugs into problems. Mouse liver extracts metabolize chemicals as our livers would. And so to be sure that these liver breakdown products aren’t themselves carcinogens, liver extracts are required in the process. Turns out that there are a lot of cases where the original chemical was not a carcinogen but after being exposed to what our livers can do to it the chemical was turned into a carcinogen.😮

And here is my conspiracy theory 😀. 30 years ago my wife was in a plant research lab and started talking about some of her old research that was with plant extracts (like the liver extracts above) metabolizing common pesticides into carcinogens. I was interested and got reprints from her. Unfortunately I lost them when I lost my house. And, they are now gone from the internet. 😮 But the papers I read showed that plant extracts which had not been studied previously could metabolize common pesticides into carcinogens. I can’t find hide nor hair of the papers.🤔
Always the best to you all!


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Hillary Thank you for your kind and informative email. I hope you are having a good week. Is there any way to sign up for an email notification when those opportunities for public response are made?
My thoughts on listing several species of bumblebee under The endangered species act.
California’s department of pesticide regulation cDPR does an amazing job of trying to regulate the huge amount of pesticides used in the state. Our national parks refuse to provide adequate pesticide use information (even just the names used and amounts) to our cDPR. The nps also refuses give this public information to me. And the nps is currently blocking my FOIA requests. Additionally, in California, the national parks are known to have approved 10 _tons_ of _bee_ killing, butterfly killing, frog killing pesticides in a single permit in just one of the few records I can find.
Our national parks in California use pesticides that are actually banned for use by our state. If we cannot even regulate pesticide use in our national parks and wilderness areas to save our native pollinators we must explore alternative ways of protecting them. We all know they are vital. When a bee or any of our endangered species are exposed to pesticides they cannot take a shower and wash the toxins off. They must groom the toxins off. They must lick. them. off. Contact studies are not adequate for determining toxicity. The pesticide industry’s ipm departments are not admitting to the “whole truth.”
Lastly bumblebees and others are native species that have adapted to California’s unique environment in many fundamental ways. If we think that they can just be replaced down the road with a different type of pollinator we may be very, very wrong.
Thank you very much for your time and I very much hope that we can fix some of the serious issues that are leading to dramatic declines in many of our wonderful and important native insects.
Bob Lloyd PhD.
www.puravidaaquatic.com/ www.puravidaaquatics.com/
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working to put several bumblebee species on California’s endangered species list

I have just made an excellent contact at
Wildlife Diversity Program
California Department of Fish & Wildlife
They say that they will forward emails supporting the protection of bumblebees to the committee as part of the official record. I am not going to put their contact out on the web. But if you would care to email any support at all for the bumblebees to me (if it’s kind and at all reasonable) I will forward it
Additionally, they say that

there will be several opportunities for public comment during Fish & Game Commission meetings when CDFW provides the status review to the Commission and they consider it (2 separate meetings).

I will try to get them to send me a notification when those opportunities for public response are made and will edit below that information.
The best to everyone.

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Lawsuit Seeks Endangered Species Act Protection Decisions for American Bumblebee, Three Other Bees

Lawsuit Seeks Endangered Species Act Protection Decisions for American Bumblebee, Three Other BeesCenter for Biological Diversity v. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Docket number(s): 4:24-cv-00183 Court/Admin Entity: D. Ariz.
“American bumblebees — Once among the most common and widespread bumblebees, American bumblebees were found in open areas across all of the lower 48 states except Washington. After a severe decline starting in the 2000s, this iconic bumblebee has disappeared from at least eight states” biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/lawsuit-seeks-endangered-species-act-protection-decisions-for-american-bumblebee-three-other-bees-2024-04-01/#:~:text=American%20bumblebees%20%E2%80%94…Oh we don’t have enough resources to do our job boohoohoo. Bumblebee decline didn’t come out of nowhere. It didn’t happen yesterday. Just like the National Park service taking a year to look up pesticide information.

They cannot be so ignorant and clueless that they had no expectation that requests to protect our bees or to find out what toxins are being sprayed would be made in this day and age.

The CBD had to sue the “service” for the information that the u.s. fish & wildlife service was legally _required_ to provide. Yet the nps and us fish and wildlife claim that it just takes too much effort from them. Crying big crocodile tears: they would if they just had more money … to pay executive salaries. Your tax money funds the lawyers for the us fish and wildlife services lawbreaking. Just like FOIA there are no penalties.

Our tired, old, legacy environmental groups (sierra club, audubon, and world wildlife fund have been complicit with this behavior for decades. Our tired old legacy environmental groups (OTOLEG😀) have been pesticide enablers for 60 years. It is time to put your action where your mouth is. Three easy things.

How much do these supervisors, managers, superintendent’s make? How much is their budget? I get wonderful, _helpful_, and virtually immediate responses from California Fish And Game, (who; by the way are working to put several bumblebee species on California’s endangered species list) California Department Of Pesticide Regulation, the Center For Biological Diversity, and several agriculture commissioners. These people who care and who do their best. I do not get decent responses from (OTOLEG😀) Just like sierra club and audubon senior staff, the us fish and wildlife service and the national park service seem to have the same senior staff and management problems that Boeing has. What do you think those problems are?

Rethink where you spend your environmental dollar!

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Watch "Gulf Crossing: Story of Spring" on YouTube

A bird double century! 😀 And if you don’t know what a double century is: 100 miles on a bicycle is often referred to as a century. There are two, three, and even four hundred mile events. Centuries and doubles usually within 17 hours, triple and quad within 24 hours. And then there is Race Across America RAAM. Holy frack! Cycling is fun and these birds are awesome.

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Nearly 3 Billion Birds Gone | Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology

The Audubon society has failed to protect our birds for 60 years. They and the Sierra club are pesticide enablers. These two groups are _not_ defending our environment.
When these two start publishing pesticide use _data_ from our national parks and wilderness areas they will have made a small step towards what they should have been doing for 60 _years_.
And there are a lot of other environmental groups that say one thing and do another! So I will now promote. The Center For Biological Diversity: they publish their FOIA data, and Toxinfreeusa.org: who seem genuinely concerned and interested in our communications.
The best to everyone here. Don’t waste your money with environmental groups that aren’t.
www.puravidaaquatic.com/ www.puravidaaquatics.com/ 310-429-8477
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Blind as a Bat… Biologist

“Although there are a few bat species with unique adaptations to desert and dryland habitats, most bats need water on a regular basis. Aquatic habitats have been increasingly deforested and modified over the last 5,000 years” race2extinct.com/blog/blind-as-a-bat-biologist/#:~:text=Although%20there%20are%20a%20few%20bat%20species%20with%20unique%20adaptations%20to%20desert%20and%20dryland%20habitats%2C%20most%20bats%20ne…
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Watch "Your Unstoppable Copy Machine|DNA Replication" on YouTube

How freaking fun is this? This is exactly why I love biology.
www.puravidaaquatic.com/ www.puravidaaquatics.com/ 310-429-8477
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Post from Beyond Pesticides (@ByondPesticides)

Beyond Pesticides (@ByondPesticides) posted at 9:04 AM on Tue, Aug 06, 2024: Factory #fish farming companies exporting to the USA sinched a win in #Scotland after the gov’t announced #delaying restrictions on #emamectin — a hazardous #pesticide that kills nontarget #marine life — until 2028! ☠️ #notOK @FerretScot @ScottishEPA Blog: t.co/5pASVCCgif ( x.com/ByondPesticides/status/1820853475644715494?t=38GtRuyKb6L-XhOfLnavcw&s=03 )
www.puravidaaquatic.com/ www.puravidaaquatics.com/ 310-429-8477
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