Source: COVID Facts that deserve emphasis
He emphasizes, many times, to wash or sterilize your hands and to NOT touch your face. Wearing a plain mask: cloth, inexpensive paper, whatever – is to help you avoid touching your own face, it is not to prevent you from breathing virus out of the air, which is not how most people get sick. Do not wipe amazon boxes, just wash your hands after handling them.
Most people do _not_ want to accept that if they get sick with influenza A, or B, or coronavirus that it’s their _own_ fault. They would much rather believe that somebody else must have coughed or sneezed at them. It _must_ be someone _else’s_ fault. And yet IMO virtually all careful research shows that (like the quote and YouTube say also) it is sticking your fingers in your own mouth that transmits the virus. In animal models where these viruses come from the transmission is virtually always fecal-oral (FO). This actually may be related to the virus causing 50% of people to have mild gastrointestinal issues.
Let me reiterate part of the quote above.
Wearing a plain mask: cloth, inexpensive paper, whatever – is to help you avoid touching your own face, it is not to prevent you from breathing virus out of the air, which is not how most people get sick.
I was the radiation safety officer in two of the labs I worked in. It is amazing how quickly something that is invisible can be spread around the building environment. The fortunate thing with radiation is that you can ultimately detect it. With smears of virus it is impossible to detect in your environment. Even at home one should wash their hands before eating.
The best to everyone. I hope that you are:
1) Keeping your eyes open.
2) Looking at the actual data.
3) Thinking about the actual data.
4) Not panicking.
And one last suggestion: the YouTube video in the source above is quite good overall. And another comment about social interaction and going outside. I apparently disagree somewhat with State and County Medical bureaucrats. I believe that going out into the sunshine even if you are sick is vitally important for killing virus and for your own immune health. If you are sick do it in your own yard, do it away from people, but go outside in the sun.
I don’t watch that much baseball, but canceling daytime baseball games and other daytime activitys IMO did so much harm that it is nearly criminal.
Viruses are not cells and have no metabolism. They cannot repair their genetic material after sunlight damage. All cells; bacteria, our cells, have hundreds if not thousands of mechanisms to repair our DNA. Sunlight is a supreme viral killing mechanism – clothes,hands,face. Set your mask (that you don’t need but it may make you feel better) outside in the sun for an hour each side. If you want to protect yourself wash your hands if you want to protect others _wash your hands_ particularly after using the restroom -and for longer!
Best to all.
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