Anthony Fauci sets stage for mandatory — lucrative! — vacc

“Vaccines are miracles,” said Pedro Alonso, the director for the Institute for Global Health of Barcelona, and another stakeholder in the “Decade of Vaccines” program. Yes. And for certain folk, certain insider folk, vaccines are also great economic and political investments.

Source: Anthony Fauci sets stage for mandatory — lucrative! — vacc

Enjoy! Wear a mask. Wear gloves. Don’t worry at all about the state mandating medical procedures. You are all they care about — your safety from the dark unknown. Do not be afraid, you can trust someone else to protect you from the dark unknown.

There is no worry for _your_self, _your_ kids, your_ toilet paper, _your_ food, _your_ livelyhood, _your_ friends, and especially _your_ country. Be proud to be an American . . . . . . . . puppet.

Here is an idea. Any mandatory vaccine can have _no_ associated _proprietary_ research, period, no exceptions. If the state is going to inject anybody against their will, the state and associated industrial minions have to fully disclose every study, every bit of chemical information, every question that shows any problems with it _to everyone_, not just a few industry insiders posing as regulators.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the same idea would apply to any chemical sprayed on more than a hundred acres?


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Why You Shouldn’t Be Wearing Gloves to Go Grocery Shopping

It’s totally unnecessary—and it may even be bad for you.

Source: You Shouldn’t Be Wearing Gloves to Go Grocery Shopping

This novel coronavirus doesn’t enter the body through your hands, so you don’t need any kind of barrier there. If you touch a contaminated surface with gloves, and touch something else, you’re as likely to spread it as you are if you touch things with your bare hands. Maybe even more likely: “The adhesive properties of viruses differ among viruses; it’s possible the coronavirus could adhere to the latex gloves better than it could adhere to your own skin,” says Reynolds. And hands can be effectively washed and used again right away.

The idea that gloves may actually increase the spread hit me like a ton of bricks! Our skin has evolved for Millions of years to protect us against these very viruses. In microbiology classes students are taught that the skin is a microbe defense system on many levels. Much is focused on the actual mechanical and structural components of the skin providing a chainmail armor type defense.

But our skin also extrudes oils and enzymes. The idea above fits in with the concept of the skin being a defense system. And my head exploded when I realized that the enzymes and oils your skin secretes could potentially destroy virus particles.

Therefore, gloves may protect virus smears from our own skin degradation systems and actually increase the spread. In addition many people would be far more careless since they believe that they are protected, and not follow good behavior patterns that would decrease the spread of the virus.

Simply washing your hands kills viruses. Washing your hands washes soap destroyed viruses down the drain. I’ll bet you nobody washes their gloves as often as they would wash their hands. In fact, I’ll bet nobody uses hand sanitizer on their gloves when going between stores or getting into their car. People wearing gloves are potentially making the problem much worse.
People please: slow down, quit thrashing around, and just wash your hands. And if you are me, stop putting your reading glasses in your mouth to hold them after they have slid off the top of your head several times in a row. Handle the ear pieces multiple time while shopping and then stick them in your mouth :-) sheesh, I can be an idiot too. Thank goodness I have an immune system that has spent half a billion years fighting for me.
Best to all.

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Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases is a platform for academics to share research papers.

Source: Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases

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COVID Facts that deserve emphasis

Source: COVID Facts that deserve emphasis

He emphasizes, many times, to wash or sterilize your hands and to NOT touch your face. Wearing a plain mask: cloth, inexpensive paper, whatever – is to help you avoid touching your own face, it is not to prevent you from breathing virus out of the air, which is not how most people get sick. Do not wipe amazon boxes, just wash your hands after handling them.

Most people do _not_ want to accept that if they get sick with influenza A, or B, or coronavirus that it’s their _own_ fault. They would much rather believe that somebody else must have coughed or sneezed at them. It _must_ be someone _else’s_ fault. And yet IMO virtually all careful research shows that (like the quote and YouTube say also) it is sticking your fingers in your own mouth that transmits the virus. In animal models where these viruses come from the transmission is virtually always fecal-oral (FO). This actually may be related to the virus causing 50% of people to have mild gastrointestinal issues.
Let me reiterate part of the quote above.

Wearing a plain mask: cloth, inexpensive paper, whatever – is to help you avoid touching your own face, it is not to prevent you from breathing virus out of the air, which is not how most people get sick.

I was the radiation safety officer in two of the labs I worked in. It is amazing how quickly something that is invisible can be spread around the building environment. The fortunate thing with radiation is that you can ultimately detect it. With smears of virus it is impossible to detect in your environment. Even at home one should wash their hands before eating.

The best to everyone. I hope that you are:
1) Keeping your eyes open.
2) Looking at the actual data.
3) Thinking about the actual data.
4) Not panicking.

And one last suggestion: the YouTube video in the source above is quite good overall. And another comment about social interaction and going outside. I apparently disagree somewhat with State and County Medical bureaucrats. I believe that going out into the sunshine even if you are sick is vitally important for killing virus and for your own immune health. If you are sick do it in your own yard, do it away from people, but go outside in the sun.
I don’t watch that much baseball, but canceling daytime baseball games and other daytime activitys IMO did so much harm that it is nearly criminal.

Viruses are not cells and have no metabolism. They cannot repair their genetic material after sunlight damage. All cells; bacteria, our cells, have hundreds if not thousands of mechanisms to repair our DNA. Sunlight is a supreme viral killing mechanism – clothes,hands,face. Set your mask (that you don’t need but it may make you feel better) outside in the sun for an hour each side. If you want to protect yourself wash your hands if you want to protect others _wash your hands_ particularly after using the restroom -and for longer!

Best to all.

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Planting the Seeds of Regime Change: How GMO Seeds and Monsanto/Bayer’s “RoundUp” are Driving US Policy in Venezuela

Top political donors of those most fervently pushing regime change in Venezuela have major stakes in Monsanto and Bayer.

Source: Planting the Seeds of Regime Change: How GMO Seeds and Monsanto/Bayer’s “RoundUp” are Driving US Policy in Venezuela

Soon after the new seed law was passed in 2015, the U.S.-backed Venezuelan opposition led by the Roundtable of Democratic Unity (MUD) — a group comprised of numerous U.S.-funded political parties, including Guaidó’s Popular Will — took control of the country’s National Assembly. Until Venezuela’s Supreme Court dissolved the assembly in 2017

Don’t believe all you hear from u.s. papers. ☺

Best to you all.

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What Does ‘Social Distancing’ Actually Mean? Here’s What To Avoid.

A friend of mine sent me a link to the story and was wondering whether she should continue to go to public places. I know that I haven’t posted here in a long time. I had too many people telling me I was being too negative. I truly am annoyed by the toxins we are spraying everywhere around our homes and businesses, but here’s an opportunity for a microbiologist to be more positive. :-)

Is it safe to go to the gym? Small gatherings? Kids’ birthday parties?

Source: What Does ‘Social Distancing’ Actually Mean? Here’s What To Avoid.

All of these stories ignore the benefits of the people who have recovered going out and being a part of the group. The stories are also all based on an _average_ person. Are you _that_ average ☺. It also makes a huge difference as to whether one is more concerned about giving it to others or getting it. Sunshine is a huge benefit to both: our immune system, and to also sterilizing our clothes and environment. I am particularly annoyed about daytime baseball games being cancelled and I don’t go to baseball games. :-) But it’s another illustration of the cdc just doing what’s politically expedient not what is right. And the “news” orgs. paddle along behind. Should one go to a crowded night club at night? Maybe not. Should one go to their kids afternoon soccer game? IMO Absolutely. Please do not believe a lot of what the cdc is spreading. The heads there are every bit as much political animals as any gov. bureaucrat. Newspaper stories are to get you to come back and read their “news” the next day. I went to the store today and the shelves were stripped of canned goods. Sigh. I am sorry that people are so afraid! I have a suggestion _google_ look carefully at the more recent and better numbers for Corona deaths _relative_ to hospitalizations and the numbers for influenza deaths _relative to hospitalizations_

The best to you all.

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Springtails: Tiggers of the invertebrate world

As we leaned over the Colchester Bog boardwalk, a student asked, “What’s that black stuff on the water?” I suggested gently poking it with a twig. This elicited the expected

Source: Springtails: Tiggers of the invertebrate world

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Sierra Club Friday night hike

The Sierra Club is no longer officially doing this hike but we virtually always meet at around 6:45 and leave at 7:00 p.m.

The old write-up described it as:

Spectacular view of Santa Monica Bay and LA Basin. 2 hr, 5 mi, round-trip, 1100′ total gain, on fire road. Moderately strenuous conditioning hike for fit hikers.
Level: Moderate
Cost: Free
Bring: Water, Flashlight, Good Shoes

I appreciate and encourage any efforts to verify connections online and be safe. You can Google Sierra club Ed Lubin and find a variety of links. He is always happy to talk to people and he is our unofficial leader. He always knows who’s on the trail and that they’ve gotten down okay.

The start is relatively close to PCH and Sunset. And Here is a map link.

I always look forward to the full Moons near Fri. But the hike is always a little different. Moon, Marine layer, etc. Sometimes we start in the Marine layer and climb out of it, sometimes we start in the dark under just a sliver of moon. We highly recommend flashlights to have for emergencies but generally discourage their use. There is so much ambient light from the city and Moon and if you have a flashlight on you will just follow that spot of light down the trail instead of appreciating your surroundings.  A woman who has been blind since birth is fairly regular and she has been doing it for a dozen plus years and she can do it without a flashlight 😃

It’s out and back so it’s fairly easy to give it a try and if it’s too much initially it’s an easy back out.
I’m a fan of getting outside for our health and I’m a fan of this hike.

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Google News – ‘That’s not bringing about change’: Obama advises ‘woke’ young people not to be so judgmental
This is one of the things I like about Obama. I believe what he’s saying here is that you can’t change people’s minds by yelling at them. I believe we all could be doing a better job at living with the world rather than against it and I try in my business to provide a resource for people who want to change their backyards from a chemical cesspool to a wildlife-friendly oasis. That said: I don’t call people stupid, psychopaths, or idiots because they don’t agree with me. The best to everyone Bob

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Watch "The Deepest Dive in Antarctica Reveals a Sea Floor Teeming With Life" on YouTube

This is what we are trying to save!

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