Canada unveils its first chemical-free public outdoor pool and it’s

Related: Chemical-free community swimming pool is filled with recycled rainwater filtered through plants + gh3* Photos via gh3* Borden Park Natural Swimming Pool, gh3*, natural swimming…

Source: Canada unveils its first chemical-free public outdoor pool and it’s

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Watch "Spraying Tulips and Potatoes | 57m/190ft wide spraying boom | Delvano Euro-Trac | Franzen landbouw" on YouTube

They call it “protecting crops”. But what’s protecting you? Are you putting cut flowers on your table…?
Eating grain and vegetables…?
Growing your own requires knowlege.
Cut flowers have the highest pesticide use per acre of any vegetable material. Do you buy can you buy organic flowers? Are you sure that the farmers market is organic?
Enjoy growing your own!

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Artificial life form given ‘synthetic DNA’ – BBC News

Very interesting article. Syn61 has many safeguards over Craig Ventner’s organism. The recombination in yeast could have created unforeseen problems but overall the “organism” and method of creating it looks fairly safe (so crippled that it is unlikely to escape the laboratory.) Anyone seen Jurassic Park lately. laughing.


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Welcome to Washington, Fina Mendoza: Kitty Felde: 9781684332236: Books

I started reading The Wizard of Oz series a while back. And this morning I was Wikipedia-ing around and discovered that it is dedicated to his best friend and companion, his wife. and I looked up her name Matilda Joslyn Gage and she was very active in the women’s suffrage movement wrote and edited a lot of articles and books and her parents were active in the Underground Railroad.

I have now gotten a book on the history of the woman suffrage movement where she has written a chapter. It is free by the way here.

And speaking of married teams. I have a very good friend Tad. And he is the husband of Kitty Felde who used to be on KPCC in Southern California a lot. Well she has written a children’s book and I think some of you out there might be interested in it. So the link above is to her book.

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Radioactive Glass Beads May Tell the Terrible Tale of How the Fukushima Meltdown Unfolded

The microscopic particles unleashed by the plant’s explosions are also a potential environmental and health concern

Source: Radioactive Glass Beads May Tell the Terrible Tale of How the Fukushima Meltdown Unfolded

Oh my. Read between the lines. There are tiny particles of radioactive material (ie. tiny “glass beads”) all over the place. Seems to me that it might be that part of the Reactor Core actually vaporized and spewed into the air. oh my

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CDC: Unvaccinated Oregon boy almost dies of tetanus

I’m just flabbergasted,” said Dr. William Schaffner, an expert in infectious diseases and chair at the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee.

“This is an awful disease, but … we have had a mechanism to completely prevent it, and the reason that we have virtually no cases anymore in the United States is because we vaccinate, literally, everyone.”

Source: CDC: Unvaccinated Oregon boy almost dies of tetanus

Oh what horrible, horrible parents …. Oh wait. _Not!_ One kid gets tetanus but _recovers_ and its Front Page News about how terrible it is.

Source: Deaths following vaccination: What does the evidence show?

The vaccine was estimated to have caused approximately one Guillain-Barré syndrome case per 100,000 persons vaccinated [17], resulting in 53 deaths [18].

Over 400 people get Guillain-Barré syndrome and 53 people die from one vaccine and you never hear of it. Now I want to reiterate! I am not against vaccines, I’m a microbiologist! I am; however, completely against forced medical procedures when the complete story is not in.

And the complete story is definitely not in! It may be that natural immunity from anti-vaxxers may end up saving us all from the pathetic benefits of a vaccine.

And this brilliant Dr. William Schaffner. Who is “an expert in infectious diseases and chair at the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine”. Enough said. He should be sooooo proud. :-) And I wonder where he gets his money from?

Current industry level vaccinations are pathetic at generating a robust immune response and yet there is virtually no encouragement for the companies to improve them. And certainly even less the more vaccinations are mandated by the government.

Going back and looking at original papers, original studies, and other information; the benefits of vaccines are much much much less than what the medical community tells you today. The original study authors often were very concerned that other factors were involved in the improvements seen. Facters such as the propensity at the time to remove tonsils and perform other childhood surgeries.

The amount of money collected by the medical community for prescribing opioids, for performing unnecessary surgeries, and for forcing vaccinations is obscene. And often not in your best interest. Despite the Hippocratic Oath. And the promise within that oath to “first, do no harm” (or “primum non nocere,”)

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Finch Frolic Garden is Open!

King Tut peas are one of dozens of spring flowers you can see during a tour.

Source: Finch Frolic Garden is Open!

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Study: Pesticide Mixture the Culprit in Almond Grove Bee Die-Offs

Massive die-offs of honeybees have taken place in Central Valley almond groves. While insecticides and fungicides aren’t harmful to bees on their own, an airborne mixture is lethal.

Source: Study: Pesticide Mixture the Culprit in Almond Grove Bee Die-Offs

This is not the best news article on the study, but it is the first one I could get to scan into my blog. (Let that be a note to news outlets who want so badly to have their advertising viewed but block fair use copy/ paste/ comments. Sheesh)

Anyway I believe that this is an important story because it brings up and illustrates a point that I have worried about for several years. We all know that medicines can interact and yet we do very, very little to study how the chemicals that we have designed to be toxic interact. Many people have commented that I tend to rail against pesticides (possibly too much) :-)

But here is a suggestion for individual homeowners; don’t use multiple types of pesticides. If one doesn’t work for you and you really want to do something for the environment– instead of buying a Prius, do this one simple thing– don’t let your mad desire for instant gratification run away with you; discontinue the first pesticide for several months to allow it to break down before starting to use a different type of toxin.

Or even better yet try to make sure of what you’re trying to kill. Hire one of these neighborhood kids who know all sorts of computers thingies. To set up a motion detector camera to video tape whatever is eating your garden. Wouldn’t that be fun :-)

Best to you all

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Beijing backs jail term for Chinese ‘Ivory Queen’ Yang Fenglan in Tanzania

Foreign ministry says China is ‘ready to work with the international community to protect wildlife and curb international trade’.

Source: Beijing backs jail term for Chinese ‘Ivory Queen’ Yang Fenglan in Tanzania

The butchering of elephants for their Ivory is obscene. China is finally making strides to stop it.

The explicit condemnation of Yang’s actions from Chinese authorities is a sign of Beijing’s increased public efforts to clamp down on the illegal trade on the global stage.

Elephants like sperm whales have spindle cells too.

Think about it.☺

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EPA OKs ‘Emergency’ to Dump Bee-Killing Pesticide on 16 Million Acres

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reported this week that in 2018 it issued so-called “emergency” approvals to spray sulfoxaflor—an insecticide the agency considers “very highly toxic” to bees—on more than 16 million acres of crops known to attract bees.

Source: Trump EPA OKs ‘Emergency’ to Dump Bee-Killing Pesticide on 16 Million Acres

Realize that …

Of the 18 states where the approvals were granted for sorghum and cotton crops, 12 have been given the approvals for at least four consecutive years for the same “emergency.”

A four-year emergency! Shaking my head but that means that most if not all the “emergency” approvals were started during the Obama Administration.
And here is some great info from snopes about the lawsuits filed against the EPA for poor regulation policy and backdoor approval mechanisms for overly toxic pesticides snopes bee info.

Just like the children in cages at the border do not blame one or the other political side….
_blame both!_ The money the chemical companies pour into paying off politicians and scientists is amazing. This is the same problem with the “Organic” label. If the farmer has applied for a waiver they can spray non_organic pesticides all over the crop …. and _still call_ it Organic.

PS has this is getting a little long but from Wikipedia the IUPAC name for sulfoxaflor is


You’re worried about fluoride in your drinking water?? laughing.
The cyanide couldn’t possibly hurt anyone! laughing.
And it was designed as an insect neurotoxin which …. Couldn’t possibly hurt a human.laughing.

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