Watch "Your Unstoppable Copy Machine|DNA Replication" on YouTube
How freaking fun is this? This is exactly why I love biology. 310-429-8477
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Post from Beyond Pesticides (@ByondPesticides)

Beyond Pesticides (@ByondPesticides) posted at 9:04 AM on Tue, Aug 06, 2024: Factory #fish farming companies exporting to the USA sinched a win in #Scotland after the gov’t announced #delaying restrictions on #emamectin — a hazardous #pesticide that kills nontarget #marine life — until 2028! ☠️ #notOK @FerretScot @ScottishEPA Blog: ( ) 310-429-8477
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Three powerful conservation groups have forgotten their histories and roots • Daily Montanan

Columnist Rick Meis says that the conservation groups involved in the Gallatin Wilderness issue are forgetting why they were founded.

Source: Three powerful conservation groups have forgotten their histories and roots • Daily Montanan

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We Must Create Safe Zones

August Our Toxic National Parks.

Brighten your day a little Carrol King’s Jazz Man

As the title above says: We _have_ to create safe zones. That is one of the reasons I started this #_OTNP project. I initially thought it would be very hard. But I must admit that I thought it would be a tiny bit easier than the sierra club, and our national park administrators have chosen to make it. 😀

I believe that safe zones from pesticide use are critical to the environment and our own ability to survive on this planet. It is not as sexy as climate change. It is not as sexy as going to Mars. It is not as sexy as buying a new electric car. Worrying about chemical structures and chemical names and the chemicals making up adjuvants and pesticides is not sexy.

It is also not easy. Yes, I am reusing pictures. They seemed appropriate, and I have been worrying about these other (non-sexy😀) things!

What _is_ easy, is for some of my readers here to actively participate in three little easy steps to do. I am quite sure I can’t do this alone and that I need the assistance of _you_, and _all_ our so-called “environmental” groups.

I believe that a mean little, wildly efficient carnivore, that eats its prey alive, is _beautiful_ and desperately needs your help. Help in virtually the same way your children do.

In the last two decades America’s pesticide use rate has increased 500%.

If you are a parent, one of the most important things you can possibly do for your child is provide them with not more, but less pesticides in their world. If you care about your child at all, you must care about _their_ children, whom they will love just as much as you love them now. I believe that all of the Christmas /Hanukkah /Islamic /Kwanzaa /holiday presents _combined_ cannot come close to equaling a world for them with pesticide safe zones. Would that not be the best present of all time!

We need pesticide safe zones that have not been heavily sprayed with the latest greatest biocide. Zones that have the biodiversity that we still have today. Biodiversity that is less than we had yesterday but more than if we continue to let the pesticide industry rule as they have.

We should not be spending the time and effort on banning individual pesticides, individual classes of chemicals, or individual products until the next one comes along. Our national parks _should_ have been those safe zones; they are not. Instead, they are the personal playgrounds of the large pesticide producers.

We can reacquire _Our_ National Parks as safe zones; but only if we encourage our environmental groups to be environmental groups again.

Three easy steps.

If you want safe zones.

If you think that that is even remotely a good idea.

If you care about our children.

then you must help acquire them.

ProPublica is an interesting publication and one of their current projects identified a group of “connected political nonprofits — with names like American Breast Cancer Coalition and National Coalition for Disabled Veterans — that appear to be funneling more than 90% of donations to fundraisers.”

I highly recommend that you do not continue to waste money contributing to organizations simply because their name sounds wonderful, or their name has been active in the past, or they have a particularly good advertising department.

As always I wish you all the best.

For past OTNP (#_OTNP on X) issues.
But you may want to start here.
If you have received this as a forward and would like to continue receiving it please email me “”
And if you would like to donate as little as $5 to the cause, you can Zelle it to thank you very much. Bob
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DOI-NPS-2024-000098 Acknowledgment Letter

IN REPLY REFER TO: DOI-NPS-2024-000098 Oh a month ago I sent an email asking if there was any information on my FOIA request. I have not received any response back, and so I am worried that with all the fun political stuff going on, your office may be somewhat overwhelmed 😀. I hope things have slowed down a bit; or maybe it was misplaced? Hope you are well. 310-429-8477
On Mon, Jul 1, 2024, 8:00 AM VidaAquatic <> wrote:
> Good morning Erica, I hope you are well this week! I believe that I was > promised information on my concerns by the end of last December (2023) Was > that date in error? I have not received anything as of the end of June > 2024. Is there an update on when I might receive any information? > > The best to you. > Robert Lloyd > > > > On Thu, Dec 21, 2023, 3:06 AM Beckett, Erica L < >> wrote: > >> Good Morning, >> >> Please attached. >> >> Sincerely, >> NPS FOIA Office >> >> >> >
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California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), neonicotinoid pesticides, forever chemicals, in state wildlife refuges

“SACRAMENTO, CA — After years of advocacy, the California Fish and Game Commission has finalized a rule in its “Department Lands” regulation package that prohibits the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) from using neonicotinoid pesticides — often called “neonics” — on state wildlife refuges and other land under its jurisdiction”,under%20its%20jurisdiction
Awesome work by EarthJustice and ABCbirds. Think about this info just a little bit. The CDFW is using many, many, other bee killing, ecology damaging, and forever chemicals on “their” wildlife refuges??? 😀😂🤔😀😂🤔 We must create safe zones. 310-429-8477
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Science and the significant trend towards spin and fairytales

How do researchers create the illusion of novelty in a result when the finding has a probability value close to, but on the wrong side of, the stated probability threshold – for example, a probability of 0.06? Talk it up, spin out a story! It’s the fairytale of Rumpelstiltskin in modern garb.

Source: Science and the significant trend towards spin and fairytales

Instead of donating money to environmental groups who aren’t, let’s donate money where it will do some good.

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cDPR licensing

Good morning. I have posted in emails, on my blog and on X how hard the cDPR works in helping California become a better place.😀 And I want a particularly thank Chelsea for being very pleasant and helpful.
Just in looking over all the pesticide regnumbers it is absolutely amazing to me that the cDPR has such an extensive database. Thank you very much for your hard work.
I hope that I am helping you and hope that maybe you can help me again. In looking at pesticide applications I see that there are many licenses that do not match the DPR databases. just to use one county as an example: in year 2021 and county #33 (riverside) the list of numbers at the end of this email (many only three and four figures) are all listed as license numbers, but the dpr database business license numbers start at 30003 and run to 46769, and individuals licenses are 70003 through 170009. This maybe due to a confusion over a permit and a license but …. Are there hidden licences? License numbers before 30003? Are the users filing slightly mistaken or incorrect licenses? I do not see california vector control listed in San Diego, San Bernadino, or Riverside counties. I know they are applying, are they exempt? How would I get their license number? One northern county had only 16.5% of the reported licenses match the DPR database.
_Not_ complaining but are the farmers trying to screw you up deliberately? Could I help in any way since I am looking at it? Am I simply looking at it wrong? The best to you.
Licenses numbers for county number 33 and year 2021 that start below the 30003 DPR start number. 154 161 179 226 228 361 371 436 458 474 517 606 683 706 783 813 846 848 894 1022 1142 1158 1205 1210 1256 1382 1402 1652 1676 1810 1843 1865 1955 2021 2133 2190 2197 2246 2253 2272 2427 2550 2688 2689 2700 2775 2780 2788 2803 2830 2857 2908 2909 2934 2950 2955 2993 3015 3033 3083 3090 3109 3110 3132 3181 3221 3310 3321 3352 3384 3424 3506 3515 3519 3528 3540 3558 3568 3591 3631 3634 3673 3679 3684 3687 3703 3739 3744 3795 3816 3848 3850 3863 3872 3884 3924 3958 3959 3961 3965 3983 4008 4015 4020 4021 4045 4068 4077 4079 4089 4094 4097 4101 4130 4183 4199 4201 4235 4236 4243 4247 4256 4257 4260 4261 4262 4268 4273 4285 4316 4321 4340 4347 4352 4355 4369 4371 4386 4401 4408 4442 4464 4482 4493 4495 4496 4515 4544 4549 4599 4604 4606 4620 4694 4702 4705 4722 4723 4735 4738 4762 4789 4809 4821 4824 4830 4836 4863 4886 4889 4890 4891 4902 4905 4946 4955 4964 4966 4968 4981 4986 5003 5021 5036 5070 5080 5086 5102 5103 5114 5122 5137 5199 5204 5227 5232 5251 5252 5253 5265 5327 5328 5338 5349 5378 5384 5386 5398 5407 5420 5421 5422 5433 5435 5462 5463 5498 5499 5513 5520 5528 5558 5582 5587 5595 5653 5654 5673 5684 5688 5689 5691 5709 5710 5717 5738 5754 5758 5760 5766 5776 5808 5836 5889 5927 5940 5946 5965 5967 5970 5990 5994 6007 6021 6029 6030 6048 6061 6073 6093 6107 6126 6130 6140 6141 6166 6196 6199 6211 6217 6236 6258 6279 6283 6287 6288 6302 6352 6374 6378 6393 6396 6398 6401 6406 6408 6412 6419 6459 6464 6473 6480 6509 6510 6515 6520 6621 6639 6683 6693 6714 6716 6718 6733 6741 6773 6784 6786 6802 6813 6824 6835 6838 6851 6860 6861 6865 6886 6890 6904 6919 6926 6930 6940 6951 6973 6974 6984 7002 7017 7022 7029 7032 7043 7046 7048 7054 7065 7069 7080 7084 7090 7096 7105 7119 7121 7128 7132 7133 7139 7149 7160 7166 7174 7177 7196 7197 7199 7201 7230 7231 7236 7249 7255 7257 7260 7271 7289 7303 7310 7318 7319 7323 7346 7348 7361 7363 7365 7367 7388 7390 7396 7397 7402 7416 7436 7441 7461 7462 7499 7508 7532 7536 7537 7545 7548 7573 7578 7579 7584 7586 7590 7595 7599 7604 7635 7637 7651 7655 7660 7665 7667 7668 7669 7673 7677 7687 7689 7695 7702 7706 7710 7715 7732 7733 7737 7739 7740 7746 7756 7759 7761 7763 7771 7772 7775 7786 7790 7802 7820 7822 7823 7828 7830 7834 7836 7837 7851 7856 7860 7877 7880 7905 7906 7918 7922 7936 7939 7949 7954 7963 7969 7990 7997 7999 8001 8002 8003 8007 8013 8020 8034 8036 8038 8042 8057 8060 8061 8070 8081 8100 8103 8114 8128 8131 8138 8147 8148 8149 8150 8153 8154 8160 8166 8170 8175 8176 8178 8187 8196 8198 8202 8208 8212 8215 8227 8250 8253 8262 8266 8270 8274 8284 8305 8318 8321 8322 8323 8331 8345 8350 8359 8364 8371 8373 8386 8391 8403 8427 8431 8435 8446 8451 8453 8454 8457 8465 8471 8474 8476 8481 8487 8494 8497 8498 8505 8512 8513 8518 8519 8520 8522 8544 8557 8561 8564 8573 8579 8583 8594 8620 8646 8647 8650 8654 8655 8659 8660 8678 8685 8689 8701 8705 8712 8713 8716 8719 8731 8738 8761 8771 8773 8774 8780 8785 8791 8804 8812 11039 12747 12883


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Watch "Nature’s Incredible ROTATING MOTOR (It’s Electric!) – Smarter Every Day 300" on YouTube

This is why I love biology!

This is why I enjoy Smarter Every Day!

It’s a pretty good description. And we used to do an experiment in our beginning classes where we would add a chemical to the slide that would stick the actual flagella down and you can see the bacteria body rotating. 😀

Best to you all!  Bob

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The Hill: Pesticides as big a cancer risk as smoking, study finds

The widespread use of pesticides may lead to hundreds of thousands of additional cancer cases in major corn-producing states like Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and Ohio — even for Americans who don’t work on farms
Who would have thought.
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