greened-up daycare centers in Finland


When daycare workers rolled out a lawn, planted forest undergrowth (such as dwarf heather and blueberries), and allowed children to care for crops in planter boxes, the diversity of microbes in the guts and on the skin of the young kids appeared healthier in a very short space of time.

Compared to other city kids who play in standard urban daycares with yards of pavement, tile, and gravel, 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds at these greened-up daycare centers in Finland showed increased T-cells and other important immune markers in their blood within 28 days.

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OTNP June 2024

To make a prairie it takes a
clover and one bee.
One clover, and a bee,
And revelry.
The revelry alone will do,
If bees are few.

Emily Dickinson
Via Awesome Kimberly Thank you.

A Sierra club member, friend, and activist sent me the following:

Beautiful 10-minute youtube about desert “dirt”. It’s well-done.

This is awesome! Watch it. And the microbial life in that biocrust is a big part of what holds it together. I would bet all our desert national parks are using glyphosate (antibiotic) based products.

Toads ewwwww – they give you warts.

I wonder how many things we know today that we won’t _know_ tomorrow.

Does the Western spadefoot toad have beautiful eyes? 😊

California is a hotspot of amphibian declines — half of the state’s frogs and toads are in trouble — and new research suggests that agricultural pesticides may be one of the biggest reasons. “Declines of four…species were strongly associated with the amount of upwind agricultural land use, suggesting that wind-borne agrochemicals may be a factor,”

Source: Pesticides Linked to Amphibian Declines | Anthropocene

My friend (who sent the YouTube above) and I then ended up continuing the exchange. They were frustrated with some of the activities surrounding the gold spotted oak borer (GSOB) carbaryl spraying program. Highlight that, Google it, and be appalled at all the environmentalists who are doing the pesticide industries’ bidding. My friend was not entirely happy with the claims that:

1) The oak forests will all die without the spraying program.

2) It is OK because Carbaryl breaks down very quickly.

A part of our discussion is paraphrased below.

The pesticide manufacturers and their huge PR departments are clearly using “invasive species” and “save the (pick one)” to manipulate even environmentalists. You want to bet me whether or not the heads of big PR departments have psychology professors on speed dial? You want to bet me that a lot of the literature that environmental groups get about saving the (pick one) is actually manufactured in certain PR departments to play on our concern about the environment.

And our environmental groups which _could_ and _should_ be a wonderful resource for a [non “Monsanto”] way of looking at pesticide use, are not just silent, they actually aid and abet the pesticide companies. Our environmental groups which _could_ and _should_ be a voice of reason are not.

biology is beautiful!

So I ask with respect to GSOB carbaryl spraying. — Why?

1) The animals have to walk around in it. Birds, Pacific chorus frogs, praying mantids, squirrels — carbaryl is _not_ approved for organic. Carbaryl is outright banned in 41 countries including but not limited to the United Kingdom, Switzerland, all 27 countries in the EU. And we are spraying it in our wilderness areas to save just . . . . just the trees? Many of us refuse to allow Carbaryl on our food, yet we are forcing the native animals to walk in it, and even eat it when they groom.

2) Since carbaryl breaks down so “quickly”, what actually is the half life of carbaryl under optimal conditions?

3) What are un-optimal conditions?

4) And is that like DDT that has a half life of as little as 14 to 30 days, but is still somehow all over our ocean floors and continues to poison our Marine biology here in California? Quote: There are still numerous species of fish off LA County coastal waters contaminated with enough DDT and PCBs to merit public health warnings from the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA). Since 2001, there has been a tremendous amount of research demonstrating high DDT levels and toxicological impacts on a wide array of marine mammals and even endangered California Condors. End Quote:

5) And does everyone know that DDT in certain “un-optimal” . . . . well actually many conditions, breaks down into DDE which is longer lived, and more toxic than the original DDT?

6) The scientifically determined DDT half-life has drastically changed (by hundreds of fold!) in the last 20 years. DDT is one of the best studied pesticides of all time and it’s scientifically (well, chemical company — “scientifically” ) proven half-life continues to change.

But the pesticide manufacturers can claim that it breaks down in _as little as_ 14-30 days. And they do the same with each new pesticide including carbaryl. Now these breakdown times are all actually “half-lives” so in one time period there is still half of it left. And in another time period a quarter, and in another time period an eighth, etc, etc so It really goes away _much_ slower than that statement “it breaks down in as little as 14-30 days” implies.

Sigh😀 The manufacturers play us environmentalists for fools. Using words like “under optimal conditions” and “in as little as.” Why should an environmentalist, or anyone, just believe somebody, somewhere saying that it breaks down fast? And completely unrelated to the specific problems with carbaryl above; but too many of us forget history. The Bhopal India Union carbide plant disaster was the worst industrial accident the world has ever known. They were making …. carbaryl

Why should any “environmentalist” be spraying a poison if they can’t answer every single _simple_ question above. And more appallingly; why should they be spraying _anything_ in an area they are trying to “save” that is not _at least_ approved for organic?

This reminds me of the dumping of human and industrial waste in rivers not all that long ago. “It is out of our lives!” And “we are helping our environment . . . by sending it away.” “Really, we are helping the (our) environment.” We don’t care about the downstream lives.

We (so called environmentalists included) are currently dumping toxins all over our environment today and not caring in the least about time, and the “downstream” lives of our children … their children, and so on.

Look at the data, and question it. That is kind of what Google is for. And our environmental groups should be _leading_ challenges! They should not be promoting the pesticide manufacturers!

Look at the little hard spade (like a fingernail) on its hind foot right behind its last inside toe. It uses that “spade” to burrow backwards into the ground. Beautiful biology is more than just eyes!

And here is yet another idea. So an imaginary invasive species (remarkably similar to nasty ol’ GSOB) is going great gang busters. It is now literally covering thousands of acres of land and forest. But there is an ecology. So a year, 5 years, even decades, some little insect predator that’s been struggling to find good food tries something new. It is not a big focus in its simple brain: this new prey thing looks weird. It doesn’t smell right, ewww, but hey let’s give it just one little bite. Oh my gosh this is delicious!!! And now there’s two little insect predators, and now there’s 10 – a party, and now there’s 140 – it’s a banquet!, All eating our hypothetical GSOB analog and now there’s a thousand little insect predators, and now there’s carbaryl. No more little insect predators.

It takes Just three easy steps for you to start encouraging our environmental groups to stop being pesticide enablers. And these three steps are easier than ever.

All you have to do is the quick, easy suggestions below. And I’ve made them even easier! If you have looked at them before, check out how easy they are now!

Just three easy steps

You can even do them more than once! And please forward this to just one new person. It doesn’t cost you a dime.

Thank you all for what you do! I really do believe that this project is much more than complaining.
More than complaining about how bad pesticides are, complaining about how bad the sierra club is, and complaining about how much information the pesticide manufacturers hide from us. I believe that the three easy steps allow us the opportunity to create something positive. I believe that annual pesticide reviews of our wilderness areas can do more to reduce pesticide use overall than virtually anything else we could do. We _have_ to create safe zones.

For past OTNP issues.

Past OurToxicNationalParks posts

But you may want to start here.

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And if you would like to donate as little as $5 to the cause, you can Zelle me at the email just above. (Just don’t give your phone to somebody else to do it 😂)

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Protect vulnerable ancient wetlands in national forests

Fens are irreplaceable, ancient wetlands that support threatened and endangered wildlife species. Tell the Forest Service to protect fens across U.S. national forest lands.

Source: Protect vulnerable ancient wetlands in national forests

YES! please!

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EPA accused of ‘egregious’ misconduct in PFAS testing of pesticides

US agency found PFOS and other types of PFAS in pesticides but failed to disclose those results, watchdog group alleges

Source: EPA accused of ‘egregious’ misconduct in PFAS testing of pesticides

Really? The government would hide pesticide data from you?

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Florida Panthers Killed by Vehicle Strikes


Year after year the leading cause of death for Florida panthers is being struck by vehicles. . . . In 2021, 27 were killed.

More than 10% of the remaining estimated 200 were killed in 2021. Certainly more needs to be done about vehicle strikes for both Panthers, manatees, and mountain lions in California.

A weakened sick animal poisoned with rat killer, or having Parkinson’s or cancer from paraquat/ carbamates/ glyphosate/ organophosphorus/ or organochlorine and the thousands of other herbicides and insecticides we are spraying _in_ their homes . . .
Is simply more likely to be less alert and attentive and much more likely to get hit by a car.

The car is Kaposi sarcoma and we need to fight the root cause — AIDS (or in this case pesticides). Un-like AIDS, where the biomedical industry was making money in “the fight.” With pesticides, the “industry” is making money making us _all_ sick.

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Roundup sprayed via drone in Millcreek, Parley’s canyons to kill invasive weed. DWR says it’s needed

In an attempt to kill weeds, the Department of Wildlife Resources sprayed pesticides in the foothills of Millcreek and Parley’s canyons.

Source: Roundup sprayed via drone in Millcreek, Parley’s canyons to kill invasive weed. DWR says it’s needed

Pawns, fools, and tools of the pesticide industry. Glyphosate is an antibiotic and they have just destroyed the native soil food web and improved the habitat for non-native species.

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Toxic Pesticides Sprayed on National Wildlife Refuges

“America’s national wildlife refuges are being doused with hundreds of thousands of pounds of dangerous agricultural pesticides every year, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis by the Center for Biological Diversity.
The Center report, No Refuge, reveals that an estimated 490,000 pounds of pesticides were dumped on commodity crops like corn, soybeans and sorghum grown in national wildlife refuges in 2016, the most recent year for which data are available. ”,data%20are%20available . 310-429-8477
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Bark beetle research shows future evolution of forests.

“The beetles, they’re native, and they’ve kind of been evolving together with the trees over time,” he said. “So in outbreaks, the beetles kill most of the trees, but a few survive. Nobody’s actually sure which trees are reproducing on the landscape, but the trees do evolve over time.”
Bark beetles outbreaks have been munching on our forests for eons, long before humans arrived in the West. Occasional beetle outbreaks are normal”


I am absolutely fine with allowing the timber companies to spray _some_ pesticides on the vast acreage that they own.

I am _not_ at all fine with spraying toxins that have been banned in multiple countries, are toxic to our endangered animals, poison our water supplies, and simply generate higher profit for the timber industry — in our designated Wilderness areas. Not. Their. Land.

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Hollywood’s next big star is a mountain lion

A new mountain lion has been spotted in Los Angeles, and locals are eager to catch a glimpse of it.

Source: Hollywood’s next big star is a mountain lion

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Researchers find adverse effects of apex predator reintroduction: ‘The conservation message is don’t lose them in the first place’

A 20-year study on the effects of reintroducing wolves into Yellowstone National Park was just published.

Source: Researchers find adverse effects of apex predator reintroduction: ‘The conservation message is don’t lose them in the first place’

When you disturb ecosystems by changing the makeup of a food web, it can lead to lasting changes that are not quickly fixed,” Tom Hobbs, lead author and professor emeritus with the Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability and the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, said in the report.

And stop destroying it from the other end by spraying pesticides all over our wilderness areas. In 50 years we will be going “oh my gosh we shouldn’t have been destroying the smaller creatures.”

Who would have thought.

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