OTNP May 2024
Wow, welcome to all the new interested participants here. Let me say first off that I believe that there are many, many, wonderful, wonderful people working for various aspects and causes in the sierra club. I know several of them well! And they absolutely Rock! 👍 Several of them believe that the sierra club is the best thing in the world. Some of them do not, but believe it is a necessary evil. I believe it could once again be an environmental organization that makes a real difference.
I have received some very positive responses recently to a request for information from some of the California counties surrounding one of our California parks. They are frustrated with the behavior of the national parks and Federal employees too. They are willing to help me try to work out some of this information that they repeatedly said were public documents that the Federal government employees won’t release even to California.
Where is the sierra club, world wildlife fund, and audubon society?
This post is expressing my extreme disappointment and frustration with the elite officers of the Sierra Club. It in no way represents anger and frustration with the majority of the wonderful Sierra Club people/volunteers. But I do hold the elite officers responsible.
The Sierra Club’s elite; the 0.0001%ers, have fallen flat on their face with respect to actual care for the environment.
And they have continually done so _for over 50 years_
In 1914; 110 years ago! America Public’s national parks were dealing with environmental issues remarkably similar to those of today; but … without using pesticides. I can understand how in the first few years of the joy of pesticide production and use in the 1940s and 50s, the Sierra Club’s elite might have ignored some of the deep long-term problems. However in the 50+ years afterward the elite have been either pawns, or shareholders of the pesticide industry. For decades it has been quite clear that there was a problem:
60 years ago DDT in birds
50 years ago Rachel Carson and many others.
40 years ago Alar in apples.
30 years ago Wyoming pesticide contamination: methyl parathion and carbaryl: wildlife, vegetation, and aquatic species.
20 years ago high levels of pesticides in the sediment of water bodies in California’s Central Valley.
10 years ago roundup, glyphosate, monsanto, and bayer.
Today … The sierra club somehow rationalizes that the hazard of widespread pesticide use including glyphosate and paraquat _in our national parks and wilderness_ is not a problem to us, or to America’s endangered animals. They refuse to publish annual reviews of the national park service’s use of pesticides in our “Natural” “Wilderness” areas.
The sierra club does not let you know that the national parks in California are still using the two herbicides (glyphosate and paraquat) listed above as well as other pesticides specifically banned in California; because federal law trumps state law and the Feds just simply can. And the sierra club is not letting you know this, or of the other pesticides that are killing our mountain lions, wolves, bats, snakes, bees, butterflies, and other endangered species within our _Wilderness areas_ in all the other 49 states. Pesticides that are incredibly toxic but just haven’t been banned _yet_.
I cannot do this alone. If you care in the least about our endangered animals or even your own children and grandchildren then the simple thing to do is spread the word on your favorite social media platform. If you are pregnant, have children, grandchildren, care for either them, or our endangered animals, we _must_ be proactive. If you don’t care, then feel free to continue with the 60 year status quo.
The officers of the Sierra Club advertise that they protect our environment, but they do not. And they have not adequately protected America’s environment for decades.
The sc does not uphold their own advertising. They wave their arms about issues that no one can control but sound good to the masses in order to acquire money to pay themselves in political clout, and obscene salaries.
1) The sc hoards their pesticide FOIA data for themselves.
2) Out of 1500 small groups under the sc’s umbrella there are just two that have “pesticides” as a stated concern. Of those two lonely groups …; One (if not both) is actually headed by Monsanto’s PR department.😮
3) The sc does not report sufficiently or competently on pesticide usage in America’s (your) parks or wilderness areas.
Anyone would have to start wondering; is this a straight quid pro quo with the pesticide companies?
While it is impossible to acquire donor information (with some truly very good reasons), I was surprised that the sierra club does not seem to state anywhere that they do not take donations from, or invest money in dupont, monsanto, bayer, dow chemical, or any of these pesticide companies’ many subsidiaries.
Anyone concerned about _old growth_ forests want to check whether the sc invests in or takes money from lumber companies?
The sierra club was asked to comment on the above points many weeks ago. It seems that they do not think your opinion matters enough to respond. So:
1) Start being a hair bit more proactive.
2) Stop enabling the sc or wwf or audubon.
3) Forward this post to just one person.
And the audubon society is …. Helping our birds???