Summary OTNP jan2024
Good morning! 🥀😊 Many of us know that pesticides are a huge problem for us, but it’s harder for people to connect that to our endangered species. Our endangered animals cannot choose to eat organic. When they are sick or get cancer, they cannot go to the hospital or even a veterinarian. Our endangered species cannot get the latest treatment for autism or Parkinson’s. They cannot have doctors fix their birth defects. They cannot get something as simple as an aspirin, let alone more serious pain medication. They just have to suffer.
I do not believe the vast majority of our National Environmental groups are doing an adequate job. Our endangered animals cannot hire their own lawyers to sue Monsanto or request public documents. They cannot then publish those documents so that we all are kept abreast of the toxicity issues.
I believe that indiscriminate and inappropriate pesticide use is one of the greatest dangers to our endangered species today. I have struggled to get _any_ information from our national park service (nps) about the widespread use of pesticides in highly sensitive areas. Extreme amounts of pesticides that are not even approved for organic use are used in already damaged and highly sensitive “natural” areas.
Our Toxic national parks (OTNP) are spraying tons, literally many hundreds if not thousands of _tons_ of pesticides _in_ our national parks and surrounding designated wilderness areas.
_We Are Saving The Wrong Bees_ Is an awesome and fun talk! 10 seconds in I’m yelling “that is not a bee that is not a bee that is a fly”. …. Oh …. OK 😃. At another point he comments about the damage pesticides are doing to our native bees and what we can do! It really is a _great_ TED talk about many of the ways our native bees are important. You should come back and listen to it!
And yet, in the data below the integrated pest management for the national parks approved _10 tons_ of monarch killing, native bee killing, frog killing, bat killing pesticides in a single permit. I guess I understand a little of why the nps is now trying to hide it so much.🥴
I have spent 40+ years working with non-toxic aquatic environments. I have a lot of experience and interest in decreasing the use of pesticides. But I think that the first requirement is to get a full and honest review and accounting of chemical and non-chemical methods being used in the parks.
The nps is hiding the fact that they are still using glyphosate(Roundup). They are hiding the amounts of pesticides they are approving. They are hiding the specific types of pesticides approved. And they are hiding the approval process.
Why? All they now say to me with is “file a FOIA request.” I have filed a FOIA. I have no intention of filing additional FOOAs. If online reports are true the nps is just sitting on them, _1,500_ of them! The FOIA law actually does not in any way require _me_ to file one to get the public information literally sitting on their desks. The FOIA law does however, _require_ government agencies to have already _publicly_ published _online_ the exact information I am requesting. Yes we all know that the government chooses which laws they are going to follow — this is ongoing under both our national political parties. It is also ongoing under “the watchful eye” of most of our “environmental groups” as well.
So is trying to reduce the pesticide use in our parks pointless? No! I believe it is _not_ pointless! Please just try three little _easy_ things! 😀 If you think about it carefully, it may be more important for 20 people to do these three little things then for them all to recycle for an entire year!
Just three things! Try it, you’ll like it!😃
Spread the Good News Below: Permaculture!