Parents accuse CDC of not reporting children’s deaths from polio-like AFM

The Centers for Disease Control hasn’t reported any deaths in 2018 from acute flaccid myelitis, the polio-like illness which paralyzes healthy children, but CNN has learned of two children who passed away from the disease this year.

Source: Parents accuse CDC of not reporting children’s deaths from polio-like AFM

People, especially in the US, throw the word “lying” around today as if it is a badge of honor. They wave their flag of proudness claiming to have recognized someone else’s lie.
In most cases using a specific choice of words is not a lie. Deliberately not reporting complete information is a Lie By Omission but there are those that claim that that is not specifically lying.

However, the United States Congress passed a law that states that when testifying, if your intent is to deceive Congress that it is perjury AKA a lie. What is good enough for our government to ask of us is good enough for us to ask of them. After all something they don’t seem to remember very often is that we are their boss.

Every time I hear or see a story linking the micro encephaly outbreak in South America to zika I know that my government specifically the CDC is lying to me again. Because their intent I believe is to deceive. And one way of looking at it is that every day that goes by where they do not correct their story is a Lie By Omission.

I have to ask is the CDC lying to protect me from a “panic”? Or is it to protect the companies that are doing business in the biomedical area.

The Big Brother idea of government where it chooses to lie, cheat, and steal in order to protect us is unacceptable if one is trying to live with the world and not against it.

I am worried that the AFM virus outbreaks are in part because of our mandatory vaccination policies and are likely to get worse.

I also believe that:
The molt inhibitor pesticides that target zinc finger DNA regulatory systems are not a good idea for us.

Xenografts are not a good idea for us.

Antibiotics in cattle feed are not a good idea for us and they are morally reprehensible.

The best to all the vegans out there who are vegan _not because it’s healthier for people_ but because it’s a kinder unselfish world view.

Spread the Good News Below: Permaculture!
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