This morning I poured a bucket of gooo down a gopher hole that was heading for my Asian pear and had already gotten a bit too close for my comfort. A little while ago I went out, and stopped to see if there had been any repair work done. There had been, it had been worked on and there was a little mound of dirt. I cleared the dirt away and found a new tunnel so I gathered up some more gooo and poured it down the hole.
And up pops a big bubble followed by a small gopher.
Wish I had my phone on me to take pictures.
So I dip it out of the stuff. Poor wet, slimy, scared gopher was not happy. So I rinsed it off and just then I heard my name called.
The woman from across the street wants to talk ponds. Here I am all muddy myself with a gopher in a tray. And it keeps trying to crawl out or bite my fingers I don’t know which. If I was in its place I would definitely be trying to bite those fingers. I couldn’t pay attention to that many things at one time especially when one of the things had teeth, was wet, and really, really pissed off. So I let the gopher go in a bush way on the other side of my trees, and tried to find out what kind of pond she wants.
Well she’s already looking at me like I’m crazy and it turns out that she only wanted me to agree with her decision to put a little plastic Home Depot pond in her backyard for her red ear slider. She was not at all interested in the advantages of rain catchment and a larger pond :-)
She’s probably wondering about that lunatic neighbor she’s got.
The gopher is probably thinking that Asian pear trees are not to be trifled with.
Best to all.