A team of scientists from Germany’s University of Tübingen has discovered a novel and unusual sugar molecule that shows great potential as a natural herbicide. It is harmless to animals and humans but can effectively disrupt the growth of various plants and microorganisms.
Source: Promising sugar-based natural herbicide targets same pathway as glyphosate
Arrrrggggggggg. Many microorganisms produce toxins. Staphylococcus necrotizing fasciitis bacteria produce toxins that destroy human tissue. It’s natural but you wouldn’t want to use it on everyone. Some bacteria can degrade Mercury and produce mercury vapor. They _produce mercury vapor_.
The mercury vapor is “natural”. Neem oil is natural–it kills _everything_ –but it is natural. People, if it kills living organisms there is a reason for it. And that reason may not be good for us.
There are 20,000 approved pesticides in the USA. Do you think that is enough? Maybe we should get it down to where we have any hope of identifying dangerous and harmful cross reactions. Something on the order of 1000 toxic biocides might be enough you think? Maybe we could take one _off_ the aproved list before adding a new one.
You think?
Maybe something that kills many plants _and_ bacteria — think soil food web- is not the best idea for the next glyphosate relplacement.
You think?
And just because some genius in a white lab coat tells you it is safe because it “is natural” maybe you should be worried.
The best to those of you in Germany.