
So looking more into salt pools (sorry I mean e-chlorine pools) and the amount of salt added, I started wondering about how many these pool systems have been sold to people with heart conditions. People who have been told to minimize their sodium intake. Many things we come in contact with are absorbed through the skin.

Laughing.  I mean being in a swimming pool with 3500 PPM sodium certainly couldn’t increase your body’s sodium level could it. Sheesh. And people soak their feet in Epsom salt to increase their magnesium level. Sodium is even a bit smaller than magnesium.

Our bodies absorb the chemicals in our daily existence around our houses as well. If you got a housekeeper and they are using cleaning solutions that you don’t know what they are….

A little bit of ammonia and vinegar is pretty non-toxic. Bleach on the other hand. Nuff said


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