Study shows western honey bee synthesizes food for its intestinal bacteria


Bacteria have adapted to all terrestrial environments. Some have evolved to survive in the gut of animals, where they play an important role for their host; they provide energy by degrading indigestible food, they train and regulate the immune system, they protect against invasion by pathogenic bacteria, and they synthesize neuroactive molecules that regulate the behavior and cognition of their host.

These are great advantages for the host, but what advantages do the bacteria derive? Certainly, the host provides a comfortable home, but does the host also provide nutrients to native bacteria that enable them to colonize?

This is also my point when I posted 3 Reasons– No 4 Reasons– Why We’re Fatter Than 30 Years Ago

It costs us energy to keep our microbes happy! The more people that think about that everyday the healthier and happier they will be :-)

It is also a huge reason why some of the pesticides that are also known to be antibiotics are so dangerous for us and our endangered animals.

Be well my friends!

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