Tadpoles. They’ve gotten humongous. They’re quite interesting when you pick them up out of the water they wrap their tails around their bodies. I wonder if they are geared to bury in the mud and survive as a tadpole another year in order to fully develop. There are a lot of the toads around but there didn’t seem to be a nearby stable -even relatively stable- source of water for them to develop in. So when I saw the tail wrapping behavior that’s when I thought well maybe they didn’t fully develop in 1 year. Or …. Maybe not even a year! The first rain came way back in November, then there was a dry spell — all the water dried up — and now it has rained heavy again. So maybe they don’t have to last a year but could last a month or a week without any ponded water. This is all speculation but isn’t nature amazing!
They are amazingly chubby little things and they haven’t even started their legs yet.