Okay, I’m going to yell at you. Yes you, the reader of this page. Some of you seem to believe that permaculture is simply a cheap, easy way of doing things. I don’t believe that for a second. I don’t believe that permaculture is about liking a post because it has cute pictures of bunnies as opposed to information.
I don’t believe that permaculture is about cute cat YouTube movies. Where the “cute cats” are turned outside to rape and pillage the native birds and lizards. I don’t believe permaculture is simply about asking for someone to hand you information. And I certainly don’t think that the information you asked for should be about the “permaculture” way of killing something. Particularly if killing something uses just another toxin, even “is it is a _green _ toxin”
Is the irony gene amongst people who practice permaculture as completely dead as it is amongst the general population? I like to think that I work for what I believe, do you?